~Stars on his shoulders and hair like the moon~

Start from the beginning

The thought of the mysterious man from last night lingered on my mind. His gorgeous hair was so soft to the touch and he smelt musky and something expensive. There was something else...a piercing? No....something I couldn't help but stare at...tattoos. 
"HE HAD TATTOOS!" I shouted, making my roommates jump. "Well he had something on his inner arm wrapped in a bandage that looked like the aftercare of a fresh one and he had a constellation and I think some reptile. Maybe a dragon or a lizard I don't fucking know." I said, getting annoyed that I didn't know who this man was.

*time skip to a few months oooooh (insert time skipping music) ooooooooh*

Draco POV:
I haven't had anyone else since him. I, for some reason, couldn't do it. He was still on my mind! I'm sure I was long gone from his but for some reason he impressed me. It was like I was in some sort of slump that this mysterious man had caused. 
"Lets go out, get wasted and get laid." Pansy said as she led on my sofa.
"No." I replied. She looked up and groaned at me. 
"Draco you have been in some sort of hole for the past few months, all strung up over some one night stand. What was so special about him? You went from a new guy every week to no one in months!" She shouted, angry at my lack of motivation. 
"Pansss I need to find him. I don't know why I'm so attached, I just can't move on this time." I whined. I was so annoyed at myself for not getting over him. This was completely not who I was. "Whatever. Do you want the new copy of the Quibbler?" She said with an annoyed tone as she threw the rolled up magazine at me. I unraveled the string around it and groaned. "Fucking Potter again! They're obsessed with him." I spat. He has haunted me since Hogwarts and it was getting annoying! I flicked through the lengthy interview they done with him. "Lucky me, I get to learn about potters new life living with Weasley and Granger, his tattoos and oh my lucky me I get 3 new exclusive posters!" I sarcastically said. I skipped through the rest of the pages, sneering at all the photos of him and his friends. Then I saw it.

"Pans...oh my merlin...." I barely made out. "What now?" She sighed as she walked over. I practically threw the magazine in her face.
"So he has a tattoo on his shoulders. I'm suppose to care because?" She asked. I stared at her like she was crazy. 
"Because my starry king pans! He had that exact tattoo in the exact places!" I shrieked. Her eyes grew wide and she went slightly pale. 
"Nooooo...you think? Draco! Noo." She said. "He could've been a fan of Potter and got the same tattoo?" She suggested quickly, trying to get another explanation for this. 
"Or he could've got it before Potter. Potter probably stole it and now it's known as a potter tattoo. Poor guy." I added. She nodded but we both knew what we were avoiding. 
"You don't think it was him do you?" She quietly said. I shook my head, buried in a pillow and tried to ignore the butterflies engulfing my stomach.

Harry POV:
Morning were the worst. It wouldn't be bad if I had someone to make it better, but I've had no one since that night. I couldn't find the effort to go out and find another man, cause frankly it wouldn't be the same.

I stumbled into the too bright kitchen, still half asleep. Hermione was right, I really needed to find my sleep schedule again. "Good afternoon." She scolded as she came round the corner. "Why aren't you at work?" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking. I just popped home in my lunch break to check if you had decided to be alive and make an appearance at work today. I told them you were still recovering from the totally real migraine you had on Friday." She said in an adult like tone. I rolled my eyes and picked up the magazine in front of me assuming it was this months quibbler. I glanced at the cover to see not my fabulous brown hair, but blonde hair. 
"WHAT! THEY TOOK MY COVER OFF!" I shouted, startling Hermione who was brewing some coffee. She walked over to me and started laughing, then she passed me my glasses.
"That's law monthly dear." She laughed.
"Wait...is that Malfoy as the wizarding worlds best lawyer?" I asked. She took the magazine, stared at it and nodded. Then it all came back to me. "I fucked him." I gasped. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me like I was crazy. She grabbed my wrist to check my pulse and checked my temperature. 
"Harry are you actually ill?" She asked worriedly.
"The boy with the moon hair. That's him. Oh god Hermione!" I groaned.
"Contact him. Come into work today and see if he's in his office." She suggested. I stared at her like she was mad. "Fine I'll owl you if he's in. Then you come and talk to him. Look your best and don't back out of it." She said as she walked out the door. Fuck I fucked Draco Malfoy

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