Chapter Thirty Five

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It had been a month since I had first auditioned for the new girl group. I had gotten so far in the auditions and they were now down to the last twenty girls. My dad had gone to every audition with me and supported me every step of the way which meant the world to me. He had even invited Christy…I mean, my mum to some of the auditions. She had said she was so proud of me and hugged me a little too much. It was sweet because in those moments we were like a proper little family.

“Alexis Sykes,” my name was called by the same man for what felt like the hundredth time this month. I stood up and smiled at him before following him into the auditorium.

“Alexis, welcome back. You’ve done very well in the auditions so far especially the dance ones,” Carlos told me as I stood in the middle of the stage and smiled.

“But,” he said and my heart skipped a beat as the smile wiped off my face.

“I’m afraid you’re not what we’re looking for. Don’t get me wrong, you have an incredible talent and it shouldn’t be wasted but I feel you would outshine the other girls in the group and as you’re the youngest here that wouldn’t be great,” he explained and my eyes filled with tears.

“Alexis, dear,” Una spoke softly obviously noticing the tears in my eyes, “this is your first set of auditions and you have done phenomenally. You have an amazing talent that shouldn’t be wasted. Don’t give up.”

I didn’t say a word as I left the auditorium and re-joined my dad. The smiled wiped off his face as soon as he saw me. He immediately wrapped his arms around me as I began to cry.

“Ssh,” he soothed as I sobbed into his chest. I didn’t care about the attention I was receiving from the other girls in the room. I was devastated. All I wanted to do was go home.


It took me a few weeks to get over the devastating rejection. I had explained to my dad what they had told me and he came to the conclusion that I was too good for a girl band. I knew he was just trying to cheer me up but nothing seemed to lift my spirits recently. I had seen Caiden briefly when I went back to Gloucester to visit my mum but I had barely spoken to him other than that. And the odd thing was that I didn’t seem to mind. Oh, another quite important thing that had happened was Jasmine. Wow. Excuse my language but what a crazy bitch. She had followed me home one day when my dad couldn’t pick me up from school and started threatening me. She even tried to force her way into the house but Jay had arrived just in time to save me. Apparently she had been planning to get to me for weeks. That’s why my dad had been on edge and why he’d had a meeting with Sylvia.

“Lexi,” my dad spoke softly. I looked up at him from the various sheets of coursework laid out on my bed.

“There’s someone on the phone for you,” he told me handing me the house phone. I took it from him and put it to my ear.

“Hello,” I said into the phone.

“Hello, Alexis. This is Lee Rivera from the auditions you took part in last month,” the man on the other line spoke.

“Oh, hi. How can I help you?” I asked hopefully.

“Actually, Alexis, it’s more how you can help me.”

“Uh…what do you mean?”

“You have a lot of talent, Alexis. I work in music management and I’d like to try and give you a career as a solo artist,” he told me and my face lit up. My dad raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“That would be incredible!” I almost screamed.

“Excellent. I shall come round to your house at some point to sort everything out. When is best for you?”


“How’s tomorrow evening at 6pm?”


“Okay, Alexis. I’ll see you then,” he said and hung up the phone. I dropped the house phone into my lap and grinned at my dad.

“What is it?” he asked.

“That was Lee Rivera from the auditions last month. He wants to give me a career as a solo artist,” I told my dad. He picked me up from where I was sat on my bed and swung me around.

“That’s amazing,” he said and I nodded as he put me down.

“I can’t believe this! I’m going to be a singer. Oh my gosh,” I spoke welling up. My dad laughed and hugged me.

“I’m so proud of you, Lexi.”

“I have to ring mum,” I said and picked up the house phone from my bed, “and my foster parents, Olivia, Mia, Chloe, Caiden, everyone!”

My dad laughed and I put the phone on loud speaker as it began to ring.

“Hello?” my mum spoke.

“Mum, it’s me and Dad. I have incredible news.”

“Really? What is it?”

After I had rung everyone I felt I needed to tell, my dad rang all the guys and told them. I was so happy at that moment.

A/N: Hello you lovely lot! This is Steph (@mcguinessismine) btw. I smell a sequel. Woo. The epilogue will be posted after this then I shall post the sequel which is called 'Daddy's Little Star'. The sequel will only be on my account (@mcguinessismine) as I shall be continuing with this story on my own. So hop along over there and give it a read! Thank you for all your reads, votes and comments. It literally means the world. And I'd like to say thank you to Sammie (this is her account). She's an incredible girl so give her lots of love. Okaaaay. Thank you!

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