Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

“Favourite colour?” Dad asked. I turned myself in my leather passenger seat to get more comfortable. Dad and I had decided to play 21 questions whilst on our way to Alton Towers to learn more about each other. Alton Towers was this massive theme park with loads of cool rides. And as good as that was, I got to spend the day with my dad too.

“Purple, you?” I replied. So far, we had asked 15 questions and I had learnt a lot about Natha- I mean dad.

He told me a lot about what he liked and disliked. He said that he liked his job and music and he also liked Gloucester. He disliked haters. Can’t say that I disagree!

He also told me quite a bit about Jasmine too. From his description, she was beautiful, kind and very funny. Hopefully, she liked me. She sounded lovely. I had always had an interest in dance, so maybe she could teach me a few things? I mean she was a dance teacher after all.

“Red, I guess. Depends on what mood I’m in.” I laughed at dad’s reply and asked him another question.

“Okay, favourite food?”

“Spaghetti Bolognese. Pure classic! What about you?”

“I quite like a good Chinese,” I grinned. As soon as I had said that, memories of when Caiden and I had a movie night ran in my head. He came round to mine one night and we were bored so we dragged my duvet and pillows downstairs and watched loads of films. He had let me watch my favourite films and we ordered a Chinese take-out for dinner.

I bowed my head once I had realised that Caiden didn’t actually want me anymore. He was my best friend. I missed him. How could I have let all of that go just like that?

“Are you okay, Lex?” Dad asked, worriedly.

“I’m fine,” I sighed. I turned to look out of the car window and watched as the trees flew by outside.

“Lex, if this is about Caiden, he’ll come back. I’ve not known you long, but I know that you and Caiden have a great friendship. He’ll realise sooner or later that he doesn’t want to lose that and he’ll come back. It’ll be okay.”

Dad’s words didn’t convince me, but they did give me hope. Hope that, that would happen. Because if it didn’t I didn’t know what I would do with myself.

“Let’s carry on with the game. I don’t like seeing you upset,” he said in a baby voice. I laughed at him and he carried on talking, “See! There’s that beautiful smile of yours!” I blushed at the compliment and then silence fell over us.

“Erm, what’s your favourite film?” I asked quietly, attempting to re-start the conversation.

“Okay, don’t laugh, but... My favourite film is ‘Love Actually’.” I laughed, but then replied.

“That’s one of my favourites too! But I have to say that my all time favourite would have to be ‘Dirty Dancing’, I love it.”

Silence fell over us again as we looked at each other, giving one another a knowing look.

“Nobody puts Baby in a corner!” we both exclaimed simultaneously. We laughed and then focused on the drive.

Not long later we arrived at the theme park; Alton Towers. I had only been to this place once before and I was really excited to be going again. It had been a while since I was last here, but it was great.

“Here we are!” Dad said. It still felt weird to be calling him that, but already he deserved the title.

“Here we are,” I repeated. I followed dad up to the main desk where we got our tickets. He paid for them and then we walked into the park.

“Right, where do you want to go first?”

“Erm...” I trailed off. I looked around me for some ideas when I found the perfect ride, “There!”

“The big one? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, don’t you like big rides?” I questioned.

“Honestly, no,” he replied, “It’s a good job I love you. C’mon.”

“You love me?” I stood still and looked at my dad, speechless.

“Of course I do. I may have only known you for a short period of time, but you’re still my daughter. I love you and I’ll do anything to protect you.”

At his words, I jumped up and hugged him. He was shocked at first but then embraced me. He rocked me back and forth in his arms as we stood hugging each other. Dad then placed a soft kiss on the top of my head and released me from his arms, placing me gently on the ground.

“Let’s go, shall we?” Dad said, gesturing to the ride. I nodded my head and we started to walk over together. He took my hand in his and I smiled. He looked down at me with his beaming eyes. He seemed so happy; just by looking at him you could see that. I was too. Knowing that I had found my dad and that he loved me made me happy.

“Oh, look, the wait isn’t too long, let’s go!” Dad screamed as he began to run to the queue, dragging me along. I laughed at his enthusiasm and then caught up with him.

We stood in line for about fifteen minutes when our turn came. I took my seat and then dad sat next to me. I looked over at him and saw his pale face. He really didn’t like big rides, did he?

“I’ll hold your hand if it helps,” I smiled. Dad smiled back and then held my hand.

“Thank you, Lex. Let’s just get this over with.” I weakly smiled again and then turned to face the front.

The countdown to the ride begun and my face beamed. I had always loved rides like this; big rollercoaster’s and such. And it was even better having my dad here, sitting by my side, in my company. It really was great to have my dad.

Daddy's In A Boyband (Nathan Sykes fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें