Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

"Lex, it's time for school!" dad hollered up the stairs. I huffed and rolled out of bed. Today would just be the same old, same old boring day at school. Well, the I'm pretty sure the day would go the same as it did at my old school. Only difference now is that I'm at Sylvia Young. I probably wouldn't see Caiden much today as I'm at school, so today, I only really had the one other person I could rely on where school was concerned - Lia. At least I had her. You could say I had Sam too, but I'd prefer to say otherwise after our last encounter.

The same routine played out in the morning; wake up, get dressed, have something to eat, make myself look representable and other tedious tasks that needed to be done, but I just couldn't be bothered with. But like I said, it had to be done. Especially since today was my first day. 

Once dressed in my new school uniform, I slumped down the stairs, dragging my feet. As I approached the bottom step, my dad appeared from the corner of the staircase with a smile on his face.

"Morning, Lexi," he said. I smiled, too tired to talk, and followed him into the kitchen. I walked in to see Caiden already sat at the table, munching away on a slice of buttered toast. Dad walked over to the toaster himself as I sat beside Caiden. I sighed deeply and rested my head on Caiden's shoulder.

"Morning, Babe."

"Morning," I breathed. I placed my hands over my face and rubbed my eyes.

"What's up?" Caiden asked as he nudged me.

"I'm too tired and would much rather stay home with you." I wrapped my arms around Caiden's free one as he ate his toast.

"Sorry, Lex. You've got school today." Thanks, Dad. Just state the obvious.

"I know, I'm just nervous I guess, first day and all. And I'm tired," I joked, "I'll be fine later." This caused both Caiden and my dad to stifle a laugh. I hit Caiden lightly on the chest for laughing and he gave me a mock shock face.

"What did I do, hey?" he shrieked. I smiled widely and hid my face in his chest.

"Here, eat up," dad said as he passed me a plate of toast, gently kissing my forehead and leaving Caiden and I be. I sat silently as I ate each piece, savouring the taste. After I had eaten, I made my way upstairs to gather my things together and grab my bag. It didn't take long for echoing footsteps to be heard.

"Hey." I quickly turned around from previously reaching over my bed for my bag and was faced with Caiden leaning against my door frame. "I'm going to miss you today, you know," he said as he walked closer towards me.

"I'm going to miss you too." I wrapped my arms around Caiden's neck as he wrapped his own around my waist tightly, protectively.

I nuzzled my head in Caiden's neck and breathed in his scent. My body relaxed as I felt him breath on my own neck. We didn't speak. The room was quiet and peaceful; pure bliss.

"I love you, green eyes," he whispered. I pulled my arms tighter around his body and gently kissed Caiden's cheek.

"I love you too."

"Hey, Alexis! Over here!" I walked into the school gates and heard my name being yelled across the yard. My head snapped towards the direction of the shrill and I saw Lia. Of course it was her.

I took small steps towards her, I was in no rush.

"Take your time," she said sarcastically.

"Sorry! I'm nervous, OK! Anyway, hey," I rushed. And cue the nerves.

"You'll be fine. Everyone will love you! Anyway, Sam's on his way over here so, you know, just warning you." I rolled my eyes and turned to follow Lia gaze. In front of me was Sam, walking towards us as if he was on a mission.

"Hey, Lia," he said as he approached us, "hey, beautiful," he whispered in my ear. I pulled my head away to see Sam wink, a smirk on his face. I cringed and faced away. He knows I have Caiden, so he really needs to give up trying. Lia clearly noticed my recoiling state and spoke up, somehow breaking the tension.

"Let's just head to class," she said as she grabbed my hand and we began walking away, "Goodbye, Sam," she shouted over her shoulder. She turned back around and released my hand, replacing it by throwing her arm over my shoulder.

"New school, new class. Good luck, girl!"

School was literally the most tedious experience of my life. Every lesson I had had so far, was boring. But at least I did kind of make some new friends. Everyone in my classes were very welcoming and offered my help. You wouldn't get that at some schools.

Now, it was lunch time and I was meeting up with Lia and...Sam for lunch. Sam wasn't exactly my choice, but I guessed I had to put up with him. He was technically family, I guessed.

I strolled into the cafeteria, my eyes searching for my friends. My eyes reached the corner of the hall when I saw a boy and girl sat at the table. At further inspection, I noticed that it was Sam and Lia. I waved weakly at Lia as she was facing me. She waved back and signalled for Sam to turn around. He also noticed that I was here, but instead of a wave, he winked...again. I bowed my head and hurried towards their table, taking my seat.

"Hey! I'm just going for food, so be right back," Lia rambled on as she rushed towards the food line, leaving me alone with Sam. He shuffled along the bench, closer to me. As soon as I noticed, I increased the distance between us and moved further away. But Sam saw and still came closer.

"Stop avoiding me, you know you want me," Sam whispered.

"I don't want you, Sam. I have Caiden, remember?"

"I'm always an option, Babe." My eyes widened at Sam's words. Like I would ever choose him over Caiden! What a joke!?

"Not to me you aren't, so please move away," I seethed as I pushed myself to the opposite end of the table.

"You're beautiful, you know."

"Yes, thank you, my boyfriend tells me every day," I said, emphasising the fact that I already had a boyfriend.

"I bring you round one day. I want you, you want me. It's a simple equation, green eyes," Sam teasing, using the nickname he knew only Caiden used for me. And that was when I snapped.

"Firstly, Caiden is the only one who can and will ever call me 'green eyes', so never call me that again. Secondly, I don't like you, so give up already! And thirdly, leave me alone!" I yelled. I snatched my bag from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria, forgetting about Lia. Blood boiling, I marched towards the school doors. I really needed some air.

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