Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

“Are you really going to make me choose?”

“Yes, I am. It’s me or her. She’s breaking us apart and I won’t stand for it!” Jasmine screamed.

“Jas, I love you, but you can’t honestly be expecting me to choose between my wife and my daughter! I can’t believe you!”

“Well, it’s your decision,” I heard Jasmine snarl. My eyes stung with tears and they made a waterfall down my cheeks. My face became sore quickly and my body shook as I cried. I tried to be as quiet as I could, but obviously that wasn’t as quiet as I had thought.

“Lex? Babe, are you okay?” Caiden opened my door and took one look at me. My teary eyes met his worried ones as he enveloped me into his tight embrace. “Hey, hey, talk to me. What’s up?”

“She’s m-making dad choose. She’s making him ch-choose between m-me or her and I know w-what his answer will b-be,” I sobbed. Caiden grasped me tighter and gently shushed in my ear.

“It’ll be OK, green eyes. He’d choose you over anyone. And no matter what, you’ll always have me,” he whispered. A weak smile etched onto my face at his words. I knew he was speaking the truth. Caiden had already been with me through so much and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

“Well you have a decision to make then don’t you!” I heard Jasmine snap at my dad. All I wanted to do was defend him, help him out if I could, but I knew that I would only lose.

“I need to go downstairs,” I said hoarsely. Caiden gave a concerned look.

“I think it’s best if you stay up here,” he answered. But I needed to do something.

I shook my head at Caiden and ran for the stairs, Caiden following behind me. I raced down until I reached the room in which all the chaos was taking place. I stood still in the doorway, speechless. Jasmine scowled at me whilst dad just looked at me with regret. I already knew his decision.

“I-I,” I started, but couldn’t finish. I just couldn’t make a sentence. “I understand if you choose her, Dad. You love her, I get it. It’s fine. I’ll just go to sleep now.” Jasmine gave me a victorious look, but dad, however, looked disappointed and shocked. I thought this was what he wanted?

I sauntered up the stairs as a solemn tear fell cascaded down my face. I didn’t make an attempt to wipe it away; there was no point. I was halfway up the stairs, my face burning from my falling tears when I was stopped by a hand on my arm.

“Lex-” Caiden started, but I shook my head. I wasn’t really in the mood for listening. Caiden sighed and pulled me up the stairs. I just let him and followed his lead. He directed me towards the guest room - the room he was sleeping in – and opened the door. “After you, poppet,” he whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on my temple. I sighed and walked in, lying down on his bed. As soon as my body was rested, I burst into tears. Just as I had gotten everything, this had to happen. It was all too good to be true.

I curled up and held my knees against my chest, letting my tears overtake my body. Caiden soon noticed and it didn’t take long for him to lay beside me. He wound his arms around my body and held me closely. I wasn’t complaining. Right then, that was what I needed – comfort.

“Don’t worry, Angel. Together forever, remember? I’ll always be here for you and I still don’t believe that your dad made that decision but if he did, just remember, you have me. I love you so much, Babe, please don’t cry.”

Caiden’s words, although meaning to calm, only made me cry more, but not in a bad way. They made me feel happy and loved. He made me feel wanted. In an offer of thanks, I ran my hand along his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shuddered at the contact but never loosened his hold on me.

“Th-thank you, Caiden. You’re the best,” I said quietly as I placed a kiss upon his cheek. I pulled away and saw his blushing face looking at mine.

“You only deserve the best, beautiful.” He winked, which made me laugh weakly. If Caiden could make me laugh in that type of situation, I didn’t really need anybody else. After our quiet laughter had died down, we were left with silence. I took the silence observe Caiden; every inch.

His hair was the perfect shade of blonde; not too light, but not too dark. His eyes were mesmerising pools of blue that I always found myself lost in. His nose – what can you say about a nose? His nose just seemed so suited to him. His bottom lip was slightly larger than the top, but it only added to his crooked, yet perfect smile (which, may I add; hid a perfect set of white). And then we moved down to his chest. Caiden wasn’t completely muscular, but (especially with the t-shirt he had on today) you could he was definitely toned and that was plenty for me. His hands were large but fitted perfectly in mine. His legs were somewhat attractive to me and were long; adding to his height.

And then you had his personality. He was so funny and always made me laugh. He could cheer me up in any situation (like now) and always knew what to say. He gave great advice and was so friendly to everyone he met. He was kind, caring, sweet and just a true gentleman.

Overall, he was a beautiful, perfect human being... And he was mine.

“I love you too, Caiden,” I whispered, reaching up to his ear. He shivered and pulled me closer. How that was even possible, I didn’t know.

I pulled my head back slightly and pecked Caiden’s lips, but as I pulled away, he reached forward and continued the kiss. It was only a small kiss, but it showed all the passion and care we both felt for each other and that meant a lot to me.

“I love you, Lex.”

“I love you too.” I sighed and rested my head on Caiden’s shoulder, my hand resting on his chest. He continued to hold me tightly and closely against him as if protecting me from any harm.

“God, you’re so annoying!” I heard dad bellow. Up until now, things had been quiet downstairs, but clearly something had been said because next thing I knew, the front door was being slammed shut and a pair of frustrated stomps made their way up the stairs. The hammering footsteps soon paused and the guest bedroom door was flung over.

“What did I tell you, Lexi!?” dad screamed. I had never seen him like this; it frightened me. I didn’t respond – I couldn’t. “Lexi, what did I tell you? I told you to stay in your room! Why are you in here, eh? Just do as you’re told for once!” Dad’s harsh words hit me like a ton of bricks and my somewhat calm mood was soon replaced with sadness again.

“I-I’m sorry. It’s just that you were arguing with Jasmine and I-I-“ I stammered. Why was this so hard?

“You what? I told you ‘no’ so you should have stuck by that!” dad shouted. I whimpered and cowered back into Caiden’s chest, turning away from my fuming dad. His anger scared me. I had no idea what he would do.

“Hey, don’t talk to her like that! I don’t care how you talk to me, just not her, she hasn’t done anything wrong!” The realisation of what he had done took over his face as it filled with regret.

“I-I’m so sorry, Lexi. I didn’t mean any of that. I just-“

“No, it’s okay. It’s fine. I get it. You chose her,” I sighed.

“I hope you made the right choice,” Caiden said sternly, giving my dad an angered look. He only wanted the best for me.

“Lexi...” Dad paused. I didn’t need to hear what he had done. I didn’t want it to be proven that he had chosen Jasmine over me. He was bound to have. I couldn’t come in between him and a person whom he loved. He didn’t know me like he knew Jasmine; it would be wrong.

“Lexi, I chose you.”

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