Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three

“Babe,” my dad spoke as he hugged me.

“What happened? Is Jasmine gone?” I asked as he shut the front door of Jay’s flat.

“Yeah, she won’t hurt you again,” he answered and I nodded.

“Listen, Lexi, I need to talk to Jay so go into the living room,” he told me and I followed his orders. I sat on the sofa and opened up Twitter on my phone.

@LexiSykes follow me x21

@LexiSykes love your and @NathanTheWanted’s cover!

Thank you for earlier @LexiSykes. You’ve made my day. Love Kadee.

I followed Kadee and retweeted her tweet before going off Twitter and texting Caiden.

Missing you.

I hit send and looked up to see my dad entering the room with Jay.

“Ready to go?” my dad asked me and I nodded.

“Great. You’ve got school tomorrow,” he said and winked.

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for the reminder.”

My dad and I left Jay’s flat and went back to the house. When we arrived my dad seemed to be very wary of his surrounds which made me think that there was something more to what happened with Jasmine earlier.

“Go to bed,” he told me and I raised my eyebrows.

“Night then,” I replied and went up the stairs.

I walked along the empty corridor in the back of the arena.

“Dad?” I called. He didn’t reply. I frowned, what was going on? I continued down the corridor until I came to a large black door with white writing printed on it that read ‘STAGE’. Without hesitating, I opened the door and came onto a large stage. My dad was stood in the middle of it with Tom, Jay, Siva and Max at either side of him. Dad had his head in his hands and the other four were looking straight ahead.

“We love you so much,” Tom said into his microphone. The arena was silent.

“And you’ll always be in our hearts. Each and every one of you is special to us,” Jay spoke.

“You’ve given us so much and we are so grateful,” Max added.

“This has been an incredible adventure,” Siva’s voice sounded around the arena. My dad looked up and wiped his eyes.

“Thank you for everything,” he said. The five of them didn’t move and I was confused. Who were they talking to? The arena was empty. I walked towards them and pushed past Tom and my dad. There were thousands of young girls and boys looking up at me with tears streaming down their faces. They were each holding a piece of paper and they all said the same thing. ‘You saved us’.

“You’ve had a nice life,” someone familiar spoke, “but now it’s time to say goodbye.”

I frowned and turned around to see Jasmine stood in front of my dad holding a…gun.

“DAD!” I screamed and sat up. My heart was racing and I was sweating. My bedroom door flung open and my dad ran into the room.

“Alexis, are you okay?!” he asked urgently.

I tried to steady my breathing and I wiped away the tears that I hadn’t realised had fallen.

“It was…just a dream,” I told him and he sat down on the edge of my bed.

“What was it about?” he questioned as he hugged me.

“It was about you breaking up and…” I trailed off.

“What is it, Princess?” he encouraged.

“J-Jasmine killed you,” I said and he squeezed me tighter.

“Daddy’s here now,” he whispered and rocked me lightly.

I soon fell asleep in his arms and when I woke up the next morning he was laid beside me.

“Dad?” I spoke. He squeezed his eyes shut before opening them and allowing the light to make him squint.

“Lex, what time is it?” he asked and I checked my alarm clock.

“Ten,” I answered. His eyes widened and he got up from my bed.

“Alexis, get dressed! You’re late for school!” he shouted as he ran out of my bedroom. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled before getting ready for school. I met my dad at the door and he quickly ushered me into the car.

“I have a meeting with Sylvia in ten minutes,” he told me.

“I have classes as we speak,” I replied as he drove towards the school.

“I am aware,” he said.

A few minutes later Dad pulled up outside the school and we both got out. We went to main reception and I got signed in then sent straight to my current lesson leaving my dad behind.

“Sorry I’m late,” I apologised to my music teacher as I sat down beside Lia.

“Ah, Alexis, something you’ll be familiar with. I was just telling the class about some auditions for a new girl group. You’ll all be auditioning of course,” the teacher told me.

“Why would I be familiar with that?” I questioned and she smiled.

“Your father,” she said and I recalled the story my dad had told me about how he had gotten into The Wanted.

“The auditions are tomorrow morning at 10am. The coach will take you all,” she continued, “you have the rest of the lesson to prepare yourselves.”

I looked at Lia who smiled. “What are you going to sing?” she asked.

I shrugged, “Breathe In, Breathe Out by Tich maybe.”

“I’ve never heard that,” she said, “I’m going to sing Who You Are by Jessie J.”

I nodded and smiled.

“Great, now let’s practice.”

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