Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

After knocking on twelve other doors and not finding my dad, Caiden and I were becoming tired. It was getting dark and our hotel was on the other side of London. The two of us walked along the streets and steered clear of dark alleys. I was glad Caiden was here because he made me feel relatively safe.

I stopped at the end of an alley as I saw a group of men crowded round a girl. I immediately let go of Caiden's hand and started walking down the dark alley. The men looked up at me and I felt Caiden's presence nearby.

"What you lookin' at?" one of the men asked me.

My eyes stayed fixed on the girl who was cowering in the middle of them.

"I asked you a question, Missy."

I ignored him as Caiden disappeared from behind me. I suddenly felt alone and vulnerable but I wasn't about to leave this girl on her own.

"I-I..." I started.

"What's the matter, Love? Lost your voice?" the man teased.

I froze as he stepped towards me. He was a lot taller than me and I was intimidated by his height.

"Leave her," the girl spoke up. One of the men slapped her and she whimpered in pain. The man in

One of them men slapped her and she whimpered in pain. The man in front of me placed his hand on my neck then slammed me against the wall behind me. I winced in pain as my back scraped the bricks.

"Excuse me," an unfamiliar voice said.

I turned my head to see a tall, curly haired figure stood at the end of the alley.

"What do you want?" the man in front of me spat.

"Leave the girls or I'll call the police," the curly haired figure replied.

The man in front of me immediately released me and stepped back.

"We don't want any trouble," he said.

The girl who was cowering in the middle of the group was pushed forward and the two of us were allowed to leave. The curly haired figure followed us to the end of the alley and I almost jumped into Caiden's arms when I saw him.

"Calm down," he chuckled as I pulled away from him.

I turned to look at the curly haired man and smiled.

"Thank you so much for helping me," I said to him.

“No problem. Do any of you need a lift back home?" he asked.

The girl shook her head before scurrying off without a word.

"We're staying in a hotel on the other side of London," I told him.

He rubbed his chin with his fingers for a moment before smiling at me.

"You two can stay at my flat tonight. It's not safe that side of London when it's this late," he said.

"Oh, thank you so much," I replied.

"No problem. I'm Jay, by the way."

"I'm Alexis and this is Caiden," I said gesturing to Caiden.

Jay offered us a ride to his flat. Caiden looked at me warily, but I was more than happy to go with Jay. I just needed to find my dad.

Jay gestured for us to follow him to his car. We did so, taking long strides to match up to the distance Jay was walking due to his lanky figure. We’d only walked about three blocks when we reached a blue, shiny car. It looked fairly new and it looked well looked after with newly furnished seats and clean windows. Although it was small, that wasn’t relevant. It was clean and that’s all that bothered me.

“So, this is my car. It’s not the best, but it gets me around. Hop in,” Jay spoke. I smiled as a polite response and he opened the door for us then I slid into the back seats. Caiden followed and we sat next to each other in the back, waiting for Jay to start the engine.

Caiden and I fastened our seatbelts. They clicked into place and he took my hand in his. “I don’t know what’s going through your head right now because I think you're mad. I mean, we don't even know this guy. And I don't know if we’ll even find your biological dad, but I’ll help you as much as I can and I won't leave you," he whispered.

The car ride was silent. It was slightly awkward, but I didn’t care because my thoughts were on overload.

What if I never found my dad and this had all gone to waste? Why was I even bothering? Did he even know I existed?

I didn’t know what to think when the car jolted to a stop.

“We’re here,” Jay said. Caiden and I slowly got out and waited for Jay, “My house is just there,” he continued pointing to a fairly big building that stood tall in front of us.

“Thanks,” Caiden replied. I grabbed his hand and looked at him blankly. He smiled at me, but I looked away. Maybe this was a waste of time.

Caiden and I took small steps towards the wooden front door whilst Jay took two steps at a time. I began to doubt myself, but the thought of finding my dad made me realise that what I was doing was the right thing to do. I needed to know who he was. I’d waited too long.

The stairs up to Jay’s flat seemed never-ending, but there was no point in turning back now. I powered through until we reached the right floor; floor 4 in this case. Jay walked up to a white flat door with a silver number 46 nailed to it.

“This is my flat. Excuse the mess.”

Jay placed his key into the lock and sharply twisted it. We ventured into the flat, with Jay in front. The flat was modern-looking with a few personal tweaks here and there. I noticed a novelty Avatar blanket thrown across the sofa.

“Hey, you like Avatar?” I asked. I turned towards Jay and waited for a response.

“Yeah, I’m a pretty big fan,” he replied with a laugh. I laughed along and walked further into the room around me. I realised that it was the living room. It was definitely cosy. If only I lived somewhere like this.

“Anyone of you want a hot drink?” Caiden and I nodded in response to Jay’s kind voice, “I’ll just go make them. Feel free to take a look around.”

Jay walked off through one of the side doors which I guessed to be the kitchen. Caiden and I slowly looked around; taking in every detail of the rooms we walked in to. It was modern, stylish and had something that had a meaning to Jay in each one. It felt homely.

“Tea’s done!” I heard Jay call. I followed Caiden back into the living room and took a seat on the plush corner sofa. He handed us our warm mugs of tea and we sat quietly whilst we drank, “So, how come you’re both in London on your own? Where are your parents?”

I sighed, “I’m here to find my dad.”

“On your own?” Jay replied. I nodded.

“I’ve never met him, but I’ve found out as much information as I can. I need to find him.”

“How old are you?” Jay asked inquisitively.

“I’m 13 and Caiden’s 15,” I answered.

“Are you two like...” he trailed off.

“God, no!” Caiden and I screamed simultaneously. We all laughed at our reaction and decided to go to bed as it was already quite late.

“It’s late. You both need some sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning, maybe I can help,” Jay spoke with a smile.

“Thank you,” I said. I yawned and made my way to my bed for the night whilst Caiden made his way to his. Caiden offered me the bed and he vouched for the sofa. At least it was comfortable, “Night, Caiden.”

“Night, Lexi.”

Today had been a long day, but I was sure tomorrow would be longer.

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