Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The guy with the cap on left the room with his phone in hand. It must’ve just been his manager or something.

After two more rings on my own phone someone picked up.

“Hello?” a Gloucester accent spoke. My heart skipped a beat. This could have been my dad.

“H-hi,” I stuttered.

“Can I help you?”

“I…uh…my name’s Alexis. Someone gave me your number. Y-you used to know a girl called Christy.” There was a pause before he spoke again.

“Yes, I did. But I don’t talk to her anymore. Why do you bring her up?”

“Because she’s my mum.”

“Oh, I didn’t know she had a kid.”

“W-what’s your name?”

“Nathan, why?”

“Last name?”

“Sykes. Is this a fan? Cause now I have to change my number again.”

“No, I…uh…my name is Alexis Sykes and I’m thirteen years old.” There was another pause and I looked at Caiden who smiled reassuringly.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me here but I have to go.”

“No, wait!” I almost shouted.


“I-I think you’re my dad.” There was another silence and I bit my lip. Jay, Max, Tom and the Irish guy were busy chatting about music so they didn’t notice what was going on.

“Look, if this is a fan, I suggest you give up right now because this isn’t funny,” Nathan said.

“I’m not a fan and I’m not pranking you.”

“Okay, we’ll have to discuss this later. Uh…meet me at Costa at 5pm. If I find a crowd of fans there I will not be happy.”

“O-okay.” And with that he hung up. My phone slipped out of my hand and into my lap.

“I…uh…I need the loo,” I said and stood up. I rushed out of the room before anyone could say anything. I ran past the cap guy who was staring at his phone screen. The building had many rooms and when I eventually found the bathroom I ran in and locked the door. My whole body started shaking as I began to sob violently and fell to my knees. I had no idea why I was crying. I had just spoken to my dad. I should have been happy but I was in shock. My feelings and thoughts were a mess. All I could do was cry. I didn’t care that everyone in the building could probably hear me. I just wanted something, someone. For the first time in my life, I wanted my dad.

There was a knock on the door and I wiped my wet cheeks. The door opened and Caiden looked down at me. He sat down on the floor beside and rested his hands on his knees.

“He wants to meet me tonight,” I said breaking the silence between us.


“I think so. I think this is really him.” Caiden took my hand in his and started fiddling with my fingers.

“How do you feel about that?”

“I’m scared. I really want to meet him, Caiden. But what if he doesn’t want me?”

“Hey now. We’ll have none of that talk. He’ll love you because you’re his daughter. This is big for you and him. But no matter what happens, I’ll make sure that everything will be okay.”

He let his legs lie flat along the floor then pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Cheer up, green eyes,” he whispered and pressed his lips to my forehead.

“Please don’t leave me.”

“I’ll never ever leave you, Baby.” I felt safe in his arms. He knew exactly what to say to me when I was feeling this way. Call me mad but being here with him made this so much better. He was my own special kind of crazy. And I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

We sat there for a while in silence until someone knocked on the door. I looked up to see Jay stood in the doorway.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.

“I am now,” I replied and smiled weakly. I stood up and Caiden followed.

“I’m going back to the flat so are you two ready to go?”

“Yeah.” Caiden took hold of my hand and the three of us went down the stairs then out the side door.

When we got back to Jay’s flat I locked myself in the bathroom. I didn’t want to see anybody. I just wanted to be on my own. I sat down on the edge of the bath and sighed. In two hours I would meet my dad. I wasn’t ready for this. My phone started ringing which pulled me from my thoughts. I checked the caller ID. Mum. Foster mum.

“Hey, Mum.”

“Hello, Honey. How’s the camping trip?”

“Good. I’m having a great time.”

“Oh, good. How’s Caiden?”

“He’s fine.”

“Is he looking after you?”

I chuckled. “More than you know.”

“Oh, does that mean the two of you are more than friends?”

“No, Mum!”

She laughed and I smiled at the sound of her voice.

“Well, I’ll let you go then, Honey.”

“Okay, Mum. I’ll see you next week.”

“Take care, Sweetie.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and sighed. I wanted to talk to her about how I was feeling. But she didn’t know that I was in London searching for my dad.

“Alexis, are you okay?” Jay’s voice came from the other side of the door. I stood up and unlocked it. He smiled at me as I pulled it open.

“Yeah. My mum just rang me.”

“Okay. I’m going to order pizza for tea, any preferences?”

“I’ll eat anything.”

“Alright. Caiden said you have to go somewhere tonight so I’ll make sure to save you some,” he said and winked at me.

“Thanks, Jay,” I smiled. He had told us that we could stay at his flat for as long as we needed to. I had said that we would go to our hotel but he insisted we stayed with him. His flat was probably a lot better than the hotel anyway and we were a lot safer with him.

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