Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

“I don’t want to leave you,” I said to Caiden as I held back my tears.

“I know, Baby. I’m going to miss you so much,” he replied looking down at our intertwined fingers.

“I wish I didn’t have to go. I wish I could stay with you.” He looked up at me and smiled weakly.

“When I found my dad, I thought that I could handle the pain from being apart from you, but I can’t, Caiden,” I told him.

“That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt,” he said and I nodded as a tear fell down my cheek.

“Alexis, I promise I’ll come and visit as much as I can.”

“It’s too expensive.”

“You really think I care? I’d give all the money in the world just to see your smile, green eyes. You’re my girl, Alexis Sykes.”

“I love you, Caiden,” I said with a smile on my face.

“I love you too.”

“Come on, Lexi!” my dad called from the hallway.

“Goodbye, green eyes,” Caiden said and kissed me one last time before letting go of my hand. I stepped out of the room to see my dad smiling at me.

“Ready?” he asked and I nodded.

“Great. Let’s go.” I followed my dad out of the house and turned to see Caiden stood in the doorway. I made a heart shape with my hands and blew him a kiss before getting into my dad’s car.

The whole journey consisted of my dad telling me about my new school and his band. His band was coming round for dinner tonight with their families.

My dad pulled up outside the house and we got out of the car.

“Home, sweet, home,” my dad said and I smiled. We went inside and I went up to my bedroom to find even more of my stuff in there. I sat down on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. I had a text from Caiden.

Miss you already.

I sighed and text him back.

I miss you too. Just got here. Seeing dad’s band tonight. Nervous.

I chucked my phone on my bed before going back downstairs. My dad was sat in the living room with an iPad in his hand.

“Hey,” he greeted as I sat down beside him.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Tweeting a few fans. Have you got Twitter?”


“I’ll set you one up now,” he replied and I smiled. He logged out of his twitter and five minutes later he handed me his iPad.

“Your username is @LexiSykes,” he told me as he took his phone out of his pocket. The iPad pinged and it said that @NathanTheWanted had followed me. Dad had set my icon as a picture of me and him and my bio was ‘Lexi here! Loving life & @NathanTheWanted’. I laughed and handed him back his iPad.

“I’ve ordered you an iPad. It should arrive tomorrow,” he told me.

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Everyone will be here in about half an hour so you can go and get changed, if you like,” he said.

“What are you making for dinner?” I asked.

“I ordered a load of pizzas,” he told me and I giggled.

“Okay, I’ll be down in a bit.” I jogged back up the stairs and went into my bedroom.

When I was ready, I went downstairs to find my dad sat in the dining room.

“You look great,” he told me and I grinned just as there was a knock at the door. My dad got up and went into the foyer. I followed him and he opened the front door. Jay and two girls came into the foyer as my dad greeted them. Jay looked over at me and smiled.

“Hello,” he grinned and I smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

“These are two people I’d like you to meet,” he told me as he gestured to the two girls.

“This is Anna, my wife and our daughter, Lia,” he introduced, “Lia’s thirteen and she goes to Sylvia Young’s school too.” Lia smiled at me and I returned it. She had long brown curls and brown eyes.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said to her as there was another knock at the door. My dad opened it and Max, Tom, two unfamiliar boys and two unfamiliar girls came into the foyer. My dad greeted everyone then stood beside me.

“Lexi, this is Max, his wife, Nina and their son, Jason. And this is Tom, his wife, Kelsey and their son, Samuel,” my dad told me. I smiled at everyone and subconsciously moved closer to my dad as I felt a little intimidated. Kelsey was six months pregnant I recalled my dad telling me. Samuel had brown eyes and dark hair. Jason had short dark hair and Max’s eyes.

“Sam’s fourteen and goes to Sylvia Young’s school too but Jason doesn’t as he’s only seven. Lia and Sam are adopted,” my dad told me and I nodded. There was another knock at the door as everyone but my dad and I filed into the dining room. The Irish guy from my dad’s band and three girls came into the house.

“This is Siva, his wife, Nareesha and their two daughters, Lily and Sophia,” my dad told me. Lily and Sophia looked to be about five or six and were stunning just like their parents.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said and they all smiled before heading into the dining room.

“Dad, I’m not going to fit in,” I panicked.

“Fit in? Alexis, you don’t need to fit in. Just be yourself because everyone will love you for that.”

“But I’ve just come into your life. Everyone’s going to hate me.”

“Lexi, I doubt that. I bet that you’ll be best friends with Lia and Sam in no time,” he told me and smiled. I nodded and sighed before the doorbell rang. My dad answered the door to the pizza delivery guy. I went into the dining room where everyone was sat and made myself comfortable on one of the two empty chairs at the end of the table.

“Have you got Twitter?” Lia asked me and I nodded.

“@LexiSykes,” I told her. She smiled and took out her phone. I took mine out of my pocket and went onto twitter to see that I had gained three hundred followers. I checked my mentions to see my dad amongst many others.

I’m happy to say that my beautiful daughter has finally moved in with me. Go and follow her @LexiSykes!

I smiled. He had finally told everyone about me. Lia had followed me so I followed her back.

“Food has arrived!” my dad announced as he came into the room with a pile of pizza boxes. I chuckled as he placed them in the middle of the table then sat down beside me.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked me, “tuck in.”

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