Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

“So where to first?” Jay asked as he finished off his cup of tea.

“Here’s the address,” I said handing him a piece of paper.

“That’s not far from here. We can go on foot.”


“What’s this guy’s name?”

“Daniel Sykes.”

“I have a friend with the last name Sykes,” Jay told me.

“Really?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah, but he’s too young to have a thirteen year old daughter.”


I just wanted to find my dad. And I only had a week to do it. I had no idea what I was going to say to him when I finally found him. Caiden moved closer to me as he sensed my frustration.

“Come on, green eyes,” he whispered and I smiled. I stood up and grinned at Jay.

“I’m ready to find my dad.”


I knocked on the door and waited for a moment. Jay smiled at me reassuringly while Caiden leant on a nearby wall watching me carefully. The door opened and I looked at the woman who answered it.

“Hi, I’m looking for Jamie Sykes,” I said. The woman frowned at me before scurrying into the house. I looked at Jay who was looking into the house.

“Maybe this is him.” I shrugged.

“I hope so.”

A man came to the door and looked at me expectantly.

“Hi, Mr Sykes?” He nodded.

“My name is Alexis and I was just wondering if you knew someone called Christy at any point in your life?”

He thought for a moment and I felt a spark of hope inside me.

“No, but if you’re looking for a Mr Sykes in London who once knew a girl called Christy then I suggest you try my cousin. He had a girlfriend called Christy once. He never spoke much about her as I didn’t see him often. But I think you should talk to him.”

“Do you have an address?”

“I’m afraid not but I do have a phone number for him. I’ll just go and get it for you.” He went back into the house and I turned to look at Caiden.

“This could be him,” I said. He smiled as my face lit up.

“It might be,” he replied and I turned back around just as the man came to the door.

“Here you go.” He handed me a piece of paper and I smiled gratefully.

“Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” he replied with a smile.

Jay, Caiden and I walked away from the house and I shoved the piece of paper in my pocket.

“Let’s get a cup of tea,” Jay said then turned into a coffee shop. Caiden took my hand in his and we followed Jay inside.

“You two get a table and I’ll get some drinks.” Caiden led me to the corner of the shop and we sat down. He pulled me close to him as his eyes darted around the room. I liked that he was protective over me. It made me feel safe.

“Caiden, what if this is him? What if I’ve found my dad?”

“Then you’ll see him and we’ll go home.”

“What if he doesn’t even know I exist?”

Caiden sighed and lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes.

“What happens will happen. But he’d be mad not to love you, Lexi. You’re his beautiful daughter.” I smiled as he released my chin and Jay came over with the drinks.

“So,” Jay said as he sat down. “How are you feeling about this guy?”

“I’m kind of excited. I hope he’s my dad.”

“Well, I hope he is too.” I smiled at Jay and had a drink from the smoothie he had just bought for me.

Jay’s phone buzzed on the table and I looked down at it. He unlocked it then frowned as he read the message.

“What is it?” I asked taking another slurp of my smoothie.

“I have to go.”


“You’ll have to come with me. I can’t just leave you two here. I’m going to the studio.”


“Yes. I’m in a band called The Wanted.” The name rang a bell but I couldn’t think of who they were. I didn’t really listen to the charts or the radio.

“Oh, I see.”

“Come on. The lads won’t mind if you just lounge around.” I smiled and stood up. Caiden rolled his eyes before joining me and the three of us left the coffee shop.

It was a short walk to the unfamiliar building. It wasn’t where I’d expect a studio to be and I clung onto Caiden’s hand as the eerie building towered over us. Jay let us in through the side door then led us up some stairs. It was a lot different on the inside. The brick walls had framed records and awards on them.

We followed Jay into a room with a recording booth in it. There was a sofa in the corner which was currently occupied by two guys.

“Mate, you brought some fans in?” the bald one asked Jay sounding a little annoyed.

“No, don’t panic. They’re staying at my flat. They’re not fans.” The four unfamiliar lads that were in the room looked at us both then back at Jay.

“You two sit on the sofa. Max, Tom, get out the way,” Jay said. The two guys who I assumed were Max and Tom stood up and Caiden and I sat down.

“We’ve got loads to do,” a tall guy with an Irish accent stated. The five lads started chatting away about music. I tuned out and turned my attention to Caiden.

“Do you think I should ring this number?” I asked him. He looked at the piece of paper in my hand then at my face.

“It’s up to you, Babe. I’ll support you in whatever decision you make,” he replied and I smiled.

“Okay. I’m going to ring it. I can’t wait any longer, Caiden.” He nodded and I took my phone out of my pocket. My stomach was doing flips as I tapped the number in.

“Here goes nothing,” I said as I tapped the call button and put the phone to my ear. I nearly dropped my phone as I heard a ringtone from the other side of the room. The guy with a cap on took his phone out of his pocket and looked down at the caller ID. My heart beat sped up as I brought my attention back to my own phone.

Daddy's In A Boyband (Nathan Sykes fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant