Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I shoved my books into my bag and made my way out of the classroom. It was the final hour of the day and it was my only free period. I made my way to the library and sat down next to Chloe at a table. She looked up from her text book and smiled.

“Hi, Babe,” she greeted.

“Hey, where are Olivia and Mia?” I asked.

“They’re on their way now. We’ll sit and chat for a few minutes then we can go,” she replied and I smiled. I had told the girls that my dad was picking me up in twenty minutes. I couldn’t wait for them to meet him.

“Has your dad got your stuff?” Chloe asked.

“Yeah. Half of my stuff from my house has been moved to my dad’s. He’s picking up my weekend bag on the way here,” I replied. Chloe was the wealthiest out of the four of us. Her dad was a barrister and her mum was a doctor. But she wasn’t a snob. Mia was the smartest of the group. She could work out the most complicated equations within seconds. Olivia was the most beautiful of the group. Every time we went out with her she’d get guys coming onto her left, right and centre. And me, well, I was the most creative, I guess. My imagination wasn’t exactly small. And because of my imagination I did mad stuff like cliff diving and abseiling. I was also obsessed with love. I’d always wanted to find it and now I had, with Caiden.

“Hey, stop daydreaming and get your arse up,” Olivia spoke from behind me. I grinned and picked my bag up.

“Come on then, Lexi. Let’s meet your dad,” Mia said. Chloe and I stood up and the four of us left the library. I had missed my dad and I couldn’t wait to see him. We walked across campus to reception and signed out. When I left the building my dad was leaning on a wall.

“Dad!” I almost shouted and hugged him.

“Hey, Angel,” he said and let go of me. I turned round to see Mia, Chloe and Olivia watching me.

“Dad, these are my friends, Chloe, Mia and Olivia,” I introduced them.

“Hi, girls,” he smiled. The three of them looked at him then at me then at him again.

“Y-you’re from The Wanted,” Mia stuttered.

“Yeah, I am,” he replied.

“Alexis, how could you not tell us this?” Chloe questioned.

“I didn’t think it was really that important,” I said.

“Oh my god, just wait till everyone hears that your dad is Nathan Sykes. You’ll be the talk of the school,” Olivia tells me.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Nathan commented. I looked at him questioningly.

“The media can be very brutal. I don’t want them to hurt of upset you so I think you should move in before the media find out about you,” he explained. I frowned and he took my hand in his.

“Trust me, Princess, I can’t wait for everyone to find out that I’ve got a beautiful little girl but the time has to be right,” he continued and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay,” I almost whispered. He turned to look at the girls but didn’t let go of my hand.

“We’d better be getting off now,” he said to them.

“I’ll see you on Monday,” I told them and they smiled.

“Bye, Lexi,” Chloe replied.

My dad and I walked out of the school gates and to his car. I got into the passenger seat and my dad got into the driver’s seat.

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