Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Life has a funny way of making things work out. One minute, you’re in a world where you don’t even know who you are, and the next, you’re more at home than you’ve ever been before. Some people are lucky to find a person who is their whole world and so much more after that. But some of us are the luckiest people in the world because we have two of those people. I know that they’ll protect me and love me no matter what. They’re not going anywhere. They’re staying right here in my world. And I won’t ever let them go.

“Lexi,” Caiden whispered as he pulled me closer to him.

“Who is it?” I asked as I let him hold me tight. He peered around the side of the tree and frowned.

“It’s your mum.” I tensed as I thought about Christy. She gave me up when I was just a baby and I would never forgive her for that. That was why I often refused to see her. But no one knew that it was me who didn’t want to see her. Everyone thought that she didn’t make an effort and that she was just a big let down. But that wasn’t it at all. She wrote to me every month and she never missed a birthday or Christmas. She tried to see me but I always refused. I didn’t see why I should have to give her the time of day when she wouldn’t even try to be a mother to me.

“What’s she doing here?” I asked.

“She has something. It’s a box,” he said as he let go of me, “go and talk to her.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and kissed Caiden’s hand before stepping out from behind the tree. Christy smiled at me as I walked towards her but I didn’t return it. She didn’t say a word. She just handed me the box. I looked down at the dark purple ribbon and frowned. I pulled on it and it fell to the ground. I carefully opened the box and looked inside. There was an envelope with her name on it and a small teddy bear. I picked up the envelope and looked up at Christy who nodded. I carefully opened it and took out a piece of paper with writing scrawled across it.

Dear Christy,

I’m sorry for everything. Not a day goes by without me regretting the mistake I made. You’re my girl and I will always love you. I’m sorry I had to leave so suddenly after we broke up. I will come back for you one day, I promise. Even if you don’t want me back, I’ll still be there.

Love, Nathan.

I sat down on the ground as I tried to take it in. I looked back in the box at the small bear and picked it up. It was so soft and old but strangely familiar. Christy sat down beside me and smiled. She had a sadness in her eyes though as she took the letter from me and held it to her chest. My heart ached as I saw the pain she was feeling. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she placed her hand over mine.

“You’ll always be my little girl,” she whispered. I closed my eyes as tears fell down my cheeks at her words. When I opened them I was laid in my bedroom looking up at the ceiling. I clung on to the dream while it was fresh in my mind. Caiden, the letter, the bear, Christy. It had to mean something. Or maybe I was just being optimistic.

It was still dark in my bedroom but there was no way I could get back to sleep so I got out of bed and pulled on a jumper before heading downstairs. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. All I could think about was that dream. I hadn’t thought of Christy in days. My dad didn’t speak about her much but when he did I could tell that it hurt him. I thought back to Christy when she was holding the letter. She felt the same pain I could see in my dad’s eyes when he thought about her. I placed my empty glass in the sink before walking into the foyer.

I saw the door of the music room slightly ajar allowing a slit of yellow light to escape. I walked towards it and heard the beautiful sound of the piano seeping through the gap. But the song wasn’t filled with happiness like it usually was when my dad played. It was a sound that made my heart ache and sent shivers down my spine. I peeked through the gap to see my dad sat at the piano. His eyes were closed as his hands moved slowly over the keys. He let out a sigh and opened his eyes to reveal tears threatening to spill. I wanted to cry for him. I wanted to take all his worries away. I wanted him to be happy.

I let out an unintentional sigh and my dad stopped playing. I stepped back from the door as he looked over at it.

“Lexi?” he spoke. I pushed the door opened further and looked at him.

“Are you okay?” he asked me and I nodded as I walked over to the piano. I looked over the keys as I thought of what to say.

“Dad?” I whispered. He hummed in response as he placed his fingers over the keys.

“Why are you sad?” I asked. He took his hands away from the piano and looked down at me.

“What makes you say that?” he questioned.

“I had a dream,” I replied and he raised his eyebrows, “and I can see it in your eyes.”

“Why do you think I’m sad, Angel?”

“I think it’s something to do with Christy,” I said. He almost flinched as I said her name.

“Dad, I love you so much and I know that you want to see her. I know that you still love her. And I don’t like seeing you in pain. So let’s go back to Gloucester and see her before Christmas,” I told him. He smiled and curled some of my hair behind my ear.

“Alexis, you’re my little princess and you’ve got a heart of gold,” he said and kissed my forehead.

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