Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

“Okay, so, my first word was mum, I think and I started walking when I just turned one. The ‘mum’ thing’s quite boring really.” Dad and I were sat down in the KFC in the park having lunch when he asked me about my life when I was younger. It was good to know that he was interested. I liked the fact that my dad wanted to learn more about me.

“It’s not that boring. It’s common, yeah, but it’s your first word. That’s exciting for a parent!” Dad said as he shoved another chip into his mouth.

I took a sip from my coke and then replied, “Yeah, but common is boring. I don’t want to be common, I want to be different. If you’re not different then nobody’s going to want to listen to anything you have to say because you’re too average,” I babbled, “Sorry, I’m kind of waffling a bit, aren’t I?”

“It’s fine. I’m interested,” he smiled. I smiled back and ripped a piece of chicken from the chicken strip in front of me and placed the delicious meat in to my mouth. “So what’s your school like? Grades good?”

“School’s alright. I don’t wanna go, just like every other kid, but I have friends, everyone’s nice to me and the teacher’s are decent. I have been bullied, but it was nothing major, just name-calling. But it’s all good now. They got over whatever problem they had with me,” I grinned.

“I never will understand why people hate and bully and that. It’s so pointless.”

“I don’t see the point either, but they seem to,” I sighed. “What about when you were younger? What was your school like?” I countered. All of the questions were aimed at me, but I wanted to learn more about my dad.

“My time at school? Well, it was good, I guess. I was bullied a bit too, like you, but in the end it stopped. I had some great friends at school. I still talk to a few of them now. I went to a ‘special talents’ type school in London. It wasn’t so bad because we were all there for the same reasons; we all had the same interests. Though mine was mainly singing, I could never dance.”

I laughed and then took another sip of my drink.

“That sounds great! I’ve always been mainly focused on dance, but I like singing too. I’m not very good though, so I don’t do much with it,” I blushed. I hated talking about my singing, it only made me embarrassed because I was so bad at it!

“I’m sure you’re not that bad! You’ll have to let me hear you one time, I’m sure you’re great. My sister, your aunt I guess, she sings too. She went to the same school I did. I’ll show you some of her videos sometime. She uploads them to YouTube occasionally,” Dad replied as he ate his own piece of chicken.

“What’s she called?” I asked. I only ever wanted to find my dad, I never thought about the fact I have a whole other family out there.

“Her name’s Jess. I’m sure you’d love her. She’d definitely spoil you. That reminds me, I still need to tell her and my mum about you. Woops,” he said jokingly. I laughed and then took a chip from my Bargain Bucket.

“I’m sure I’d love her,” I smiled. “What was it like with my mum? When you were younger I mean,” I asked. The question had been bugging me since I had met him and finally I would know.

“Christy was... Great. I loved her a lot. She was beautiful and so funny and kind. She stood by me no matter what I did and she was just amazing. All I wanted to do was spoil her. She was everything I could have ever wanted and more,” Dad said as he took a deep breath and then carried on with his answer, “Your mum and I were high school sweethearts, if you want to call it that. She loved me and I loved her. I would have died just to know that she was safe. I messed all that up when I cheated on her though. The worst thing I’ve ever done in my life,” he sighed. I reached my hand over in comfort.

“You can’t keep blaming yourself, Dad. What happened, happened,” I said.

“I know, I know. But it was my fault. I loved her and I messed that up. She didn’t want to even look at me when I told her what I had done. I can’t blame her though. I didn’t even want to look at myself. I wanted her to forgive me and she probably still doesn’t, even to this day. I regret it, I do. And it’s been on my mind ever since she ended it. I just want her to forgive me. I never wanted to hurt her, it wasn’t my intention, but I did. If we hadn’t have broken up that day, then I can assure you that we’d probably still be together right now.”

Dad sighed again and put our rubbish in the available bins once we had finished our food whilst he kept his head down in what only looked like shame. I followed suit and put my own rubbish in the bin as we walked outside. A breeze hit me and I clung my jacket tighter around me.

“If I had known that she was pregnant with you then I wouldn’t have left her. I would have been there to help. I mean I’ve missed out on thirteen years of your life because I didn’t try and fight for her. I missed your first word, your first smile, your first tooth, the first time you walked; everything. I’m so sorry.” Dad slung his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my own arms around him and hugged him back.

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault. You’re here now, right?” I said hopefully.

With a nod of his head, dad answered and reached for my hand, “Forever and always.”

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