Ino grinned. "I didn't want to tell you this but...." The Nara soon turned his direction to her. The seriousness in his eyes, honestly scared her. She stopped grinning and took a deep breath. "I actually saw her walking with Kiba along the shore...."

Shikamaru twitched. He never had a problem with the dog lover but hearing this piece of information from Ino made him want to kill Kiba. He turned and started to run to the direction Ino had pointed at. The girls waved at him but burst into laughter after.

Shikamaru is in for a big surprise.

A very big surprise.

Kiba awkwardly glanced at Temari. The girl is pretty and she can trust anyone. No wonder the Nara claimed her as his. He felt kinda bad that he was doing this but he knew it was going to be worth it. The dog loving boy heard the girl walking beside him sigh. He cocked an eyebrow, not knowing why she had such a sad face on. Temari looked back at him with tears in her eyes. Kiba flinched. He isn't the best in comforting so he didn't really know what to do. He wanted to place his hand on her shoulder but he didn't want to touch another man's girlfriend. He then heard his name come out of the sandy blonde's mouth.

"Kiba?" She started to look down at her feet. "Do you think he loves me?"

The dog lover knew exactly who that 'he' she was talking about. He didn't really know much about her boyfriend but even if he didn't, he knew a few things about him. He is always not giving a shit. He is the best damn student in Konoha High. And that he has a girlfriend. All Kiba knew is that he must love her a lot if he asked her to be his girlfriend. But he didn't really know. It's not like he ever had a girlfriend before.

"He loves you a lot and I'm sure of that. I bet he's coming right-" But Kiba never got to finish his sentence because he was punched in the stomach by the Nara. Temari yelped as she tried to help her friend up. Temari glared at him with such stern eyes that Shikamaru is usually afraid of. But he didn't give no reaction to her glares. The sandy blonde gulped, watching her boyfriend frustrated with what she did. She regret setting him up but if it is the only way to show his love for her, it will be worth it.

Shikamaru grabbed her hand in a harsh manner. He looked at her and then at Kiba, who was lying on floor not moving at all. "Can you explain this?!" He said motioning his hands toward his girlfriend and the dog lover.

"W-wait! H-hear me out!" Temari protested, trying to explain herself but he wouldn't let her. He then let go of her hand and stayed silent. This startled her so she called his name worried sick. That's when Temari saw his eyes filled with tears. She covered her mouth, trying not to gasp. She has never seen him in this state before. The sandy blonde wanted to comfort him but he started yelling at her.

"If you didn't want me anymore you could've just said something! I knew this was gonna happen! But I didn't know that it would happen so soon!" Shikamaru started shaking.

Temari's eyes widen. "W-what are you talking about?"

The Nara snapped clutching her feminine shoulders. "What am I talking about?! I knew you would get sick of me! Sick of how I act! Sick of my lazy ass!"

She smiled not caring about how mad he was. She then hugged him tight. He wanted to punch something or just drown in the water before him. But when he felt his girlfriend's touch he started to calm down. Even though he was angry, he still stared at her with confused eyes.

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