Chapter 1: Don't Say 'Goodbye'

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Before I start, I had trouble starting this fanfic at the beginning, but please keep reading after the first several chapters, and I promise it gets better. Instagram: falleninlove2013fanfics

(Kalia's Pov)

My room looked dark, my black and white curtains hung opened as the rain poured outside. My lamp that was on-but dimly lit- on my bedside table. My lamp was the only light source making my room seem lighter then I had thought It had been few minutes ago. My tiffany blue colored wall helped, being it was such a light color. Thunder roared across Manhattan beach, California. My plans of going surfing later where gone, Jonathan was gone in New York, I'm living with an adoptive family with three other guys like me.

My parents gave me away when I was seven, they thought it was safer for me- but they would never give up on their precious eldest son-and my older brother- Jaden Petrova. He's twenty-two and perfectly happy married to Alice, with their first child on the way. I had another older brother named Peter, but unfortunately he died when I was three. Jonathan Lewis, my one year boyfriend, he was a werewolf.

I always thought he looked like Austin Butler, but with dark brown hair, and green eyes.. I clutched the necklace he gave me ever since our fist month together and said 'don't ever take this off' and I haven't except for when I take a shower. It's a small heart necklace, that has something in it but it doesn't open, and he never told me what was in it. I sighed getting up and walking over to my black desk which had a ton of papers scattered all over it along with my laptop that was open and ready for me to log on.

I sat down. I logged on and sorted through my papers looking for my world geography essay on Australia. I searched for Australia and went to Wikipedia. And I began to type the same paragraph that was on Wikipedia and into a word document.

'Human habitation of the Australian continent is estimated to have began between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago,possibly with the migra-'

I stopped as someone knocked on my door.

"It's open.." I said turning in my chair towards the door to find Darcy, my adoptive mother..

"How are you feeling?" Crap. Forgot I told her I felt sick so I could skip school.

"Better.." I said as she came over to me and felt on my forehead

"You don't have fever, what are you working on?" She asked looking over at my document.

"A paper on Australia.."

"I've been to Australia, it's very pretty."

"Funny... Cause you know I've been wanting to go to Australia for three years now. Like going around summer time.." I trailed hopefully she was getting my hint by now.

"Begun." She said setting the sprite that she was holding in her hand


"On your paper.. It should be begun not began." I rolled my eyes and quickly changed it.

"I'm going to get the boys from school, Richard should be home any minute, I'll be back." I nodded as she left- when she say boys she means Ryder, Parker, and Grayson, sadly I'm the only girl. I looked back at my screen and saved it and logged off looking around my room. I looked over at my built in book shelf, then over to the pictures that hung over my bed. One was a picture of London city buildings and Big Ben in the back ground, the middle one was a recent black and white picture I took of myself, then the last one was filled with three guy friends, and two girl friends me in the middle.

They where my closest friends I had. I walked over to my bookshelf and picked up one of my recent books in my newest series I was reading 'The Fallen series by Lauren Kate.' I was on the last book 'Rapture' and I placed it back into its spot when I saw my reflection in the full body mirror. I looked rough from just laying in bed all day and watching the news which wasn't really news, it's always about Cody Simpson and his new blood slave. I wasn't much for the whole thing.

Cody and his sister go to my school- a new school that doesn't allow supernaturals to use powers, like witches- Amar Academy. It's a private school, people think the only people that are there are rich snobs, well I'm not really rich, and I'm not a snob.

"Your a liar.." Parker said coming into my room while I was watching Pretty Little Lairs' spring finale being I didn't watch it Tuesday- I recorded it.

"About what?" I said pausing it and sitting up.

"Your not sick.." I smiled

"Jacquie and Chloe told you didn't they?" He nodded. Jacquie and Chloe where my only girl friends, and they where more like sisters..

He looked at me and at my TV before he walked out shutting the door and I un-paused my show and started watching it again.


5 reads for the next chapter

It's going to get better I promise just the beginning chapter. I hope you still read the following chapters. I'm sorry that its a short chapter and sucks but it will get better especially when Cody comes...

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