Elise’s POV

            I said goodbye to everyone after Lauren fell asleep on Harry. I had offered to wake her up, but he said it was fine. When I got back to Liam’s place, I found him asleep on the couch. I really hope he wasn’t waiting for me!

            “Liam, wake up! You fell asleep on the couch!” I said while shaking his shoulder. He woke up and rubbed his eyes.

            “What time is it?” he asked when he sat up.

            “Almost 10, why?” I asked. He gave me a stern look.

            “You were supposed to be home four hours ago! Where were you?” he asked.

            “Calm down, we got back at 5:30 and hung out in his place. Then I went over and talked to Lauren.” He seemed to calm down, then asked me to tell him everything. I gave him all the details, and he looked happy.

            “I’m glad my little Nialler found you.” Liam sighed while pulling me into a hug.

            “I’m glad I found him as well.” I replied. I pulled away from him and went into my room and took off my dress, carefully putting it in the basket. Once I put on some more comfortable clothes, I got on my computer and looked to see if anyone was on Skype. I saw one name that made me so happy, I almost let out a squeal. I hit the call button and waited to see the person’s face.

            “OH MY GOSH YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I MISS YOU BABE!” Mac practically screamed from the hospital bed. I put my hand up to my mouth and almost forgot to respond, the way Mac looked shocked me so much. His dark brown eyes were cloudy and there was a bandage covering his forehead, where his almost black hair used to fall in waves. There were countless scars and scratches along his defined face. I tried to hold back the tears of shock, but epically failed.

            “What’s wrong?” He asked.

            “You- you’ve looked better.” I said, trying to compose myself.

            “You look gorgeous.” He exclaimed. I blushed and explained that I just got back from my date with Niall.

            “He better be treating you good,” Mac warned, “or I will make him look worse than I do now.”

            “Niall is a perfect gentleman!” I defended.


            “How’s Hoover now that the girls and I are gone?” I asked.

            “It sucks, and Jamie is taking it upon herself to talk about you.” Mac groaned.

            “When you get out of there, please take it upon yourself to bitch her out for me?” I pleaded. After a minute of me batting my eyelashes at him, he finally agreed.

            “Yay!” I cheered, “Love you!” He sat there and rolled his eyes, not saying a word. “Come on, you know you love me!”

            “Yeah, I do.” He said, sounding defeated.

            “Mac, can I ask you something?”

            “Depends, is it a stupid question?”

            I rolled my eyes, “Not really.”

            “Go ahead.”

            “Mom told me that the reason this-” I gestured to the hospital background, “happened because you were answering a text while driving. First, why can't you learn from Quinn? Second, who was texting you?” I asked. He looked away from the camera and down at his bandaged hands.

            “I’m afraid if I tell you, you might go Incredible Hulk on everyone.” He muttered.

            “Please,” my voice became shaky when I asked him, “just tell me.”

            “Jamie was asking me out, and I was about to say yes.” He muttered. I completely broke down after that, tears falling from my face and my makeup running. I closed the computer without even saying goodbye and bawled.

            “Elise, do you know if- OH MY GOD WHAT’S WRONG?” Liam ran over to my bed and held me in his arms. I didn’t answer, just sat and cried. Thankfully, he let me. When I pulled myself together enough, I told Liam about the Skype with Mac. I felt his body tense up, but I didn’t say anything about it. We just sat there, my crying and him holding me, until I drifted into an uncomfortable sleep.

            “BLOODY HELL?!” Was the yelling that was pulling me into consciousness the next morning.

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