Dean Winchester never had it easy. But after 23 years of miserable life, he had accepted that maybe he just deserved his shit life. Maybe he was a serial killer in another life and this was his punishment. Or maybe god just had it out for him. Either way Dean had accepted his life sentence to misery.
      And as dramatic as it sounded, it was true. You see, when Dean was a kid, he had the perfect apple pie life. He had a loving mother, a caring father, an adorable brother, and a baby sister on the way. Everything was perfect for the first 9 years of his life.
Then came the fire. An electrical shortage in the middle of the night took away Deans mother and unborn baby sister, Charlie.
As if loosing Mary and Charlie wasn't traumatic enough for a child, his father, John passed away 2 years later in a car accident. Coming home one night, he swerved to avoid a deer and hit a semi truck head on. He died at the scene.
After that he and his brother Sammy were adopted by John's life long friend, Bobby, and his wife, Ellen. You think the tragedy in his life would end there, but no. Then came the bullying.
Bobby's position in the Air Force meant moving every one to two years. Being the new kid in school is never fun. It made him an easy target. But eventually Bobby decided to retire and move back home to take over the family auto shop. That meant Dean would only have to be the new kid one more time. Then he could spend that last 3 years before college at one school. He might even make some friends. Unfortunately, he was suspended for 3 days only a week into school after getting caught making out with the star quarterback in the boys locker room during P.E.
After that, Dean couldn't wait till when he'd be able to drop out and leave that shit hole, which he did promptly after his 16th birthday.
But that was all in the past. Now, Dean worked at Booby's auto shop. His life consisted of listening to stupid customers complain and siting at home, alone, marathoning Dr Sexy MD.
The only time Dean left the house for anything besides work or stocking up on junk food was his when he would go visit his family's grave site.
After a particularly tiring day, Dean had gone to visit the cemetery, as he often did when he felt down. Visiting his families plot reminded him of the good times, which were few and far between of late. He had decided to cut through the small forest behind the auto shop rather than drive all the way around town and had stumbled upon a small yet beautiful meadow, brimming with gorgeous flowers. After discovering the lovely flower grove, Dean went out of his way to walk through there and bring a flower to his family's grave once a week.
Today, Dean picked a Ranunculus for his mom. He remembered how his mom used to teach him the names of all the flowers in their garden. They would play a game where Dean would guess what type of flower random plants were and Mary would tell him if his guesses were getting 'hotter' or 'colder' until he guessed correctly or conceded.
      Dean tried growing his own flowers after his mom passed, but he didn't have the same green thumb that she did. Hell, he couldn't even pick a flower without accidentally tearing up the roots and all. Only after he pulled out the third plant in pursue of a flower, did it occur to him that perhaps he should use one of the many knives he carried on himself to cut off a single stem, but in all honesty, he was lazy and actually found it a bit satisfying to see the whole plant tear out so perfectly. He liked feeling the soft soil between the thin roots. He tried not to make that a habit though; he didn't want to ruin the meadow. Usually he would just rip off a rose and pull the leaves and unopened buds off before heading in his way.
He repeated the same scenario twice a week after work on Tuesday and Thursday for just over a month after an incident at the cemetery wher he was made aware that the flowers were thrown out once a week. It wasn't until today on the fifth repetition of the same Thursday afternoon that something incredible happened.


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