Finn Balor #2

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"Can I ask you a question?" Finn placed his phone down on the table, looking across at me from the table, his eyes filled with concern.

"Of course you can darling, you know you can." I nodded, placing my cutlery down on the plate, looking straight into his eyes.

"Why did you choose me?" His shoulders dropped, potentially stunned, not expecting such a question from me.

"Do you want the honest truth?" I nodded in response, expecting nothing less from him. "I chose you because you are literally the female version of me, you get me more than anyone else, you make me laugh more than anyone else, and you love me for me."

I smiled over at him, letting out a sigh in relief. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, I was just wondering about what makes me stand out from the rest." He shook his head, chuckling lightly.

"If you wanted to know what made you stand out from the rest we'd be here forever my love, there really isn't enough time of the day." He placed his hand on the table, so I stretched out and laid mine across it. His fingers intertwined with mine, bringing my hand up, planting a soft kiss on the front of my hand, then lowering it again.

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