Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #25

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Dean walked up to see what Seth was doing as he grabbed the hammer to put the nail in place. "What are you doing?" Dean asked stepping up behind Seth and making him jump. Seth came around to look at Dean, letting the hammer loose and sending it into Dean's shoulder. "Oh my gosh," Seth whispered, dropping everything and looking at his boyfriend.

"What?" Dean asked, completely unfazed by the hit he had just taken.

"Babe, we need to get some ice on that." Seth ran his finger along the already forming bruise, running into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack for Dean. He held it on in an attempt to take the swelling down, wracked with guilt.

"It doesn't even hurt, what's the big panic?" Seth chuckled humouring Dean's disinterest in his bruised arm.

"It looks pretty bad, you just got struck with a hammer." Dean shook his head, taking a hold of Seth's other hand.

"Who's fault is that?" He teased, biting his tongue as Seth looked sadly at him. "Don't feel bad, it was just an accident, I shouldn't have made you jump anyway." Seth took the ice pack away, leaning in and kissing his bruise.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, pulling Dean into his chest, running a hand through his messy hair.

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