Alexa Bliss #49

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I ran down the hallway, scooping Blue up in my arms and raising her up in the air making her squeal. Alexa came running out to see what all the noise was, walking over once she saw Blue smiling over at her. She reached out for her, but quickly stepped back, waving her hand over her nose. "You smell Blue, what's daddy doing leaving you all stinky."

I laughed to myself, not even noticing the horrific smell that came from her, I'd become so adapted to it I didn't even know what the smell was anymore. "Let's get you changed." I carried her through to where all the nappies were, Alexa following behind us.

I laid her down on her back, laughing as she tried to reach up for me. "No thank you, not whilst you stink missus." I heard Alexa sniggering behind me, so turned around to see her smirk.

"How can you say that when you couldn't even smell her? If it wasn't for me you'd still be cuddling a poo ridden little girl." I laughed, knowing what she was saying was true.

"Shut up," I whispered turning around and undoing the nappy, the smell completely overpowering. "Okay, how does a six month old manage to poo so bad."

"Just deal with it love, everyone else has to." I sighed, placing my hand across my nose trying to get the job done as quickly as possible.

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