Sami Zayn #27

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I walked through the curtain out and down to the ring. Kevin smirked down at me, as I entered the ring after he called me out from backstage. I grabbed a microphone staring off with him. "Come on, where's your pathetic little family. Or is poor little Sami's shoulder playing up again, or maybe baby Theo couldn't quite keep it in again, rascal that baby of yours." I stared into his eyes, refusing to react, as he carried on and on. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, raising my hand and swinging it right across his cheek.

"You don't have the right to talk about any of my family, not by the state of your family." Kevin stood back up properly, glaring into my eyes, his spare hand balling into a fist. I took a slight step back as Kevin stepped forwards. I looked around at the crowd when the familiar theme tune played out and Sami ran down to the ring, taking Kevin out of the ring. He walked over to me giving me a hug.

"What are you playing at?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"I want to protect you and Theo," I replied grabbing his hand.

"I know darling, but lets get out of here." I nodded as he helped me out of the ring.

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