Noam Dar #45

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"So, do you want the good news or the bad news?" I groaned, shuffling round in my seat as Noam walked in, tossing the bag on the floor.

"I couldn't care less," I mumbled, tightening my grip on my stomach in the hope it would make the pain go away.

"Well, I got your tampon things, whether it's the right one or not I have no idea." I watched him pick the pink box out and place it on the side. "Bad news is, they ran out of ice cream."

"You're joking?" I sat upright, but instantly regretted it, groaning again as my cramps kicked in. "How can they run out? It's ice cream."

"I'm sorry." He whispered, placing his hand on my lower back and laying me back down. "I can offer you Noam's famous hot chocolate instead?" I slowly nodded, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"Thanks babe," I whispered. He leaned forwards and pecked my forehead. He walked out and went into the kitchen putting the kettle on. "You're gonna love this darling, ice cream is no match to this." I giggled, waiting for him to walk back in five minutes later.

"It's a mess," I cried looking at the cream falling down the mug, and the few marshmallows on the top.

"I tried my best," he smiled, handing it to me to sip.

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