Finn Balor #16

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"Happy birthday darling." I watched the door swing open as in walked Finn with a tray with a cup of tea and toast on. He placed it on my lap, coming up and sitting beside me on the bed.

"Thank you Finn. This looks amazing." He leaned over and pecked my cheek as I took a sip of the hot drink.

"Well I did it because I love you, and I wanted to make your day extra special." I grinned over at him, as he laid back down on his pillow, stretching out.

"My day is certainly going to be special if it carries on like this. I love you so much." I finished the cup, placing it back down, taking a bite of toast. "You want a bit?" I asked in between mouthfuls. He jumped up grabbing a piece, munching into it. "I knew you'd never turn down food."

"You just know me so well." We both sat in a comfortable silence, finishing off our breakfasts. I hardly took my last bite before Finn was up bouncing around. "Come on then, I've got a busy day planned ahead for us both, we have no time to spare." He came around, pulling me out of bed and into a hug. I went to wrap my arms around him when he pulled away. "Nope, go shower."

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