Nick Miller #30

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I giggled hearing Nick's yell coming from the other room. He'd left hours ago to work on something, I had no idea what, and clearly it wasn't working.

I couldn't leave him there to do it for himself, so walked over to the door and knocked. "Babe, are you alright?"

"No! It's so annoying." I could hear plenty of noise coming from inside the room too, things being torn and thrown around. "Why can't I just get it right?"

"What even are you trying to do?" I heard him get up, walking over and opening the door to reveal a mess of paper and coloured pens, pictures and scissors everywhere. "What on earth?"

"I'm trying to make Shane something nice to cheer him up, but isn't going to plan. I thought I was more creative than this, but maybe I'm not." I sighed, grabbing his hand and walking him over to where he sat.

"This is what we're going to do, put whatever you want to put on each piece of paper on it, then I'll stick it and design it nicely." He nodded, laying out all the paper and picking up the pile of photos.

"Thank you for helping me," he whispered, leaning across slightly to kiss my cheek. "I would never be able to do all this without you."

"I know." I joked, taking the first photo out of his hand.

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