Drew McIntyre #2

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I looked across down the rest of the red carpet seeing all the gorgeous girls glammed up in their beautiful dresses, then down at myself. My dress was stunning, don't get me wrong, but there was something about me that made me feel like I just didn't belong. "Smile for the camera," Drew whispered into my ear.

I turned around to be met by plenty of flashing lights, blinding me whilst I tried to smile, but knowing where I was, smiling just wasn't an option. I knew Drew would probably look a lot better with one of the other girls with him, not plain old me. "Why did you choose me?" I whispered into his ear.

Drew looked down, sighing over at me. "Can this wait? Now isn't the place." He asked. My shoulders dropped and my eyes saddened as to why he couldn't give me an answer.

"Sure," I muttered, turning my back to him and releasing my grip from around me.

"I know why you're doing this," he told me, making me jump. I looked over raising my eyebrow at him. "You're feeling self conscious when you have no need. You're beautiful, funny, and the hottest chick at this event tonight, so please don't beat yourself up." I smiled, reaching up on my tiptoes and pecking his lips lightly. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I replied, cuddling back into him.

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