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Author's note: this was requested by sethrollinsgirl26 .

Dean's POV

I heard a screaming noise coming from somewhere down the hall as I was walking back to my locker room. I followed the noise and found it was coming from Miz's locker room. It's probably just him and Maryse having sex. I thought and started to walk away. "No please stop that hurts." I heard someone say and it wasn't Maryse's voice. It was Seth's.

I tried to pretend I didn't care. But I do. I'm in love with Seth and I can't help it. Now he's in trouble and I have to help him. I break down the door to see Bo and Curtis holding Seth down and a naked Miz about to rape Seth. I jump on Miz and start beating him up. Curtis and Bo let go of Seth and pull me off of Miz and start beating on me. I start punching them back. "Go Seth! Go get help!" I yell to Seth. Seth nods and quickly grabs his clothes and gets dressed.

Seth's POV

I run off down the hall looking for help. I find Roman first. I'm still crying and scared from almost being raped. "Roman you have to help. Dean is getting beat up by Miz, Bo, and Curtis. T-they t-tried to r-rape me and Dean saved me but now he needs help." I cried. "How do I know this isn't a trap Seth?" Roman asked annoyed. "Why would I be crying and lie about almost being raped?" I asked still crying. "Ok good point." Roman said.

I ran back to Miz's locker room with Roman and Roman went in and helped Dean. I stayed outside because I was really scared to go back in. Soon Dean and Roman came out. I started crying really bad when I saw Dean because I was so scared. "Shh Seth it's ok it's ok. We beat them up and Roman called the police. It's ok." Dean said hugging me tightly. I started to calm down finally. "I won't let anyone hurt you again. I promise." Dean said and I believed him. I felt save and loved in Dean's arms, like no one could ever hurt me again.

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