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Author's note: this was requested by redrubydiamondgirl . And I thought the song fit really well for this one shot.

Seth's POV

I walk into catering to grab some food and I see Nikki and Brie walk over to me. "Wow Seth you must be really hungry." Nikki said seeing all the food I got. "Yeah I'm staving. It's weird I've been so hungry lately." I said. "You look kind of different Seth." Brie said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "It just looks like you might have gained a little weight that's all." Brie said. "Oh." I said and looked down suddenly not hungry at all. I look up seeing my husband Dean walk in. Dean walks over and kisses my cheek. "Hey baby." Dean said. "Hey babe I'm not really hungry I'm gonna go work out." I said and handed Dean my plate of food. "Didn't you just work out an hour ago?" Dean asked. "Yeah but I need to do it again." I said and walked out.

A few weeks later

Dean's POV

Tonight I'm vsing Seth for my title. Suddenly in the middle of the match Seth passes out. I quickly pick him up and carry him backstage to the trainer not caring that both my bosses yelled at me.

The trainer looks at Seth. "He will be fine he just needs to eat and drink lots of water and get some rest." He said. I thank him and carry Seth to the car. "Where do you want to eat?" I asked him. "I'm not hungry." Seth said. "I know you heard what the doctor said. You have to eat." I said. "I'm not hungry!" Seth yelled at me. Seth never yells. This is all so unlike Seth. "Baby what's going on with you?" I asked. "Can we please just go home? I'm really tired." Seth said. "Fine." I said and drove to the hotel.

The next day at Smackdown I walk up to Roman, Brie, Nikki, and John. "Hey do you guys know what's going on with Seth lately?" I asked. "No." They all said. "He hasn't been eating and he works out way too much now and is even wearing long sleeve shirts all the time and it's summer." I said. "Ok don't be mad but me and Brie may have told Seth that he put on some weight." Nikki said giggling. "Why the fuck would you say that to him?! Just because you guys don't have insecurities and don't have to worry about that shit doesn't mean that Seth doesn't! You know what? Go to hell!" I yelled and walk away mad.

I skip work and go back to the hotel room. "Seth!" I call out. Seth comes out of the bedroom looking tired. "Hey babe I thought you had work?" Seth asked. "Seth I know what your doing." I said. "Know what?" Seth asked. "What Nikki and Brie said to you." I said. "Listen it's not a big deal. They were right. I just need to lose a couple more pounds and then maybe you will see me how you want me to look and want me to be yours forever." Seth said. "Seth what are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm not attractive Dean! I'm fat!" Seth yelled. "I'm not hot like the other wrestlers. Sometimes I wonder what you even see in me." Seth said more quiet this time. "Seth take off your shirt." I said. Seth does and I see how skinny he is now and the cuts on his arms. You want to know what I see? I see a beautiful, hot, attractive man who I love very much. I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world. Your more then just muscles Seth. You are like diamonds. You shine so bright every day even if you did gain weight. So what? Who cares? I will always love you no matter what." I said. I take Seth's hands and kiss them. "I love your hands." I said. I kiss Seth's figure. "I love you figures." I said. I kiss Seth's neck. "I love your neck." I said.

I kiss Seth all over and each time I tell him I love the body part I'm kissing. "Can't you see Seth? I love you. Each and every part of you." I said. I kiss Seth and we both lay on the bed and I make love to him.

And when we are finished I lay next to Seth and kiss each one of his scars all the way up his arms. "I love everything about you. Don't ever hurt yourself again." I said. "I won't. I love you too." Seth said.

Seth's POV

Once Dean is asleep I kiss him and then get up and go in to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and smile at myself for the first time in a long time. "You are beautiful, smart, and intelligence and don't let anyone tell you differently because you matter." I said to myself. Dean walks in. "Who are you talking to Sethie?" He asked. "No one just a little me time." I said blushing embarrassed. Dean kisses me. "I love you." Dean said. I smile. "I love you too." I said. We kiss again but I stop when I feel Dean's boner. "Mmmm already baby? From just two kisses?" I asked moaning. "You didn't just wake me up for nothing baby." Dean smirked and kissed me again. Dean pulls away and looks into my eyes. "Your so beautiful and I truly mean that. You really are." Dean said. I smile brightly and Dean carries me back to bed and we make love again.

3 weeks later

I have been throwing up a lot lately and feeling really sick. Dean thinks I'm back to having my eating disorder again but I promised him I'm not and something is really wrong with me. Dean finally decides to take me to the doctor. At the doctor we find out I'm pregnant! We are gonna be parents! I'm 3 months along. This who time I was pregnant and not fat at all. Since I lost a lot of weight I'm now on a special diet to help my baby grow.

6 months later

I give birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl.

Author's note: the meaning behind this one shot: me and redrubydiamondgirl want everyone to know that they are special and important. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. You are beautiful. Follow your dreams and never stop. Believe in yourself. Never think you are not worth it because you are. Sometimes you have to go through hard times before things get better and then you can see that you are beautiful and special and bright things are in your future. Always tell yourself that. ❤️

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