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Author's note: this was requested by redrubydiamondgirl . She requested I write this with the song but this clip from Gray's Anatomy also reminded me of this. So anyway enjoy.

Seth's POV

I'm getting ready for my wedding to Chris. A man I don't love and don't want to marry. My parents are forcing me to marry him. I'm in love with someone else. My ex boyfriend Dean Ambrose. But I treated Dean badly. My parents forced us to break up so I told Dean I didn't love him. Which wasn't true but he thought I meant it. I didn't want to let him go but I was stupid and listened to my parents. I want him back so bad. I belong with him. He's the only one who knows how to calm me down. I can't sleep at night without him by my side.

As I continue to get ready as I have a flash back to meeting Dean at this party. It was a masquerade party and everyone was dancing. I saw Dean walk in and he was wearing a mask. And then he took it off. That's how we met.

Now it's time for me to get married. I walk down the aisle. I see Dean in the stands.

When the Priest asks if anyone objects to me and Chris getting married I look at Dean nervous hoping he will stand up. He does. "I love you Seth. I always have. I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. I want you to be with me. I love you and I think you love me too. Do you?" Dean asked. I look at him. "Yes I love you. Thank you." I said and run to him. We run to his car and drive away.

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