Cora McMahon and Aj Styles

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Author's note: I've been wanting to write this since I the got the idea like almost two weeks ago but school, sickness, and other business stopped me from being able too. This is about my OC Cora McMahon. I will give you guys a description of her first. Also the video has nothing to do with the one shot it's just the only way I could play this version of the song.

Warning: This one shot has a lot to do with rape and abuse by a family member. If this bothers anyone or brings up traumatic childhood memories or any kind of bad memories please don't read. Thank you.

Cora McMahon: Cora's parents are Stephanie and Triple H. Stephanie had Cora when she was 16. Cora was a happy kid. She looked just like her mother. 4 years after Cora was born Stephanie gave birth to Cora's brother Seth. But Seth was born sick and with many disabilities he spends his life in a wheelchair. But Cora loved him anyway and the two are very close. Cora is closest to her dad and Seth. He mostly took care of her and Seth growing up. Hunter also taught Cora how to wrestle. Cora's relationship with her mom is strained but she loves her anyway. Cora is 20 now and Seth is 16.

Since Cora was 5 she has been abused and raped by her uncle Shane. Cora never told anyone because if she did Shane promised he'd kill Seth. Cora has been wrestling in wwe since she was 18 but last year she was drafted to Smackdown. Shane took advantage of her there and raped her every chance he got.

Aj's POV

I walk backstage after losing my title tonight to John Cena at the Royal Rumble. I'm sad and disappointed in myself and all I want to do is go home. As I'm walking back to my locker room I hear a crying sound. It's coming from one of the girl's locker room. I knock on the door. "Hello is someone in here? What's wrong?" I asked. I wait for an answer but one never came just sniffling and crying. The door wasn't locked so I open it and go in. There is a girl hunched over on the floor crying. I recognize her as Cora McMahon. She is naked and there is blood on the floor. Her clothes are ripped and in a pile on the floor. "Cora what happened?" I asked dreading the answer because I think I already know. "N-nothing I'm fine." She said. "Your not fine. Who did this to you?" I asked. She doesn't answer. I close the door. "Your safe with me no one is gonna hurt you again. Especially not with me here. No one can hurt you now." I said and pulled her into my arms. Cora continued to cry and clung to me. I gentle rubbed her back to calm her down. Soon she looked up at me with her pretty sad blue eyes. She looked so broken and my heart ached for her. "Promise me you won't ever tell anyone?" She asked. "Of course I promise." I said. "S-Shane Shane he did this to me it was Shane. He's been doing it since I was 5." She whispered softly and bursts into tears again. Shane. I'm gonna kill him if I ever get my hands on him. "Shh shhh it's ok I'm here I'll never let you go. Now you can go shower and clean up. I'll get you some clothes to wear and I'll take you back to my hotel room and you can stay with me tonight so your safe." I said and started to get up. "A-Aj please no don't leave me here alone." She whispered. "Ok ok Cora I'm not going anywhere." I promised.

So I waited while she showered and then she let me quickly go get my stuff from my locker room and come back. Then I showered in her locker room. When I came out she had borrowed a pair of my sweat pants and one of my shirts which were both too big on her but I didn't mind. I thought it looked pretty cute on her anyway. Then I carried her to my rental car and drove us to the hotel. She was quiet the whole way there.

At the hotel we stopped by her room first so she could get her stuff and then I let her stay in my room with me. I let her sleep with me since my room only had one bed. She snuggled close to me and that's how we slept. Safe and sound.

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