Dean Ambrose and Cathrine

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Author's note: this was requested by @ShyKattyxEJ using her oc Cathrine. Enjoy.

Dean's POV

I wait for my beautiful girlfriend Cathrine to finish her match. In the ring she goes by the name Midnight.

When I first met her she was very shy. But once she warmed up and trusted me I got to see how fun, crazy, loving, protective, and at times hot headed she is.

I watch as she wins the match and runs happily backstage to see me. "Hi babe." I said and gave her a kiss. "Baby I'm tired. Can we go back to the hotel and cuddle?" She asked. "Sure." I said.

We go back to the hotel and change for bed. We both get in and lay down. I pull her close to me and we cuddle till we both fall asleep.

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