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Author's note: warning this is really sad.

Dean's POV

I'm still holding Seth's hand. He's been gone two hours but I'm still holding his hand. I can't believe he's gone. He was so young only 17. Ive known him since he was 8 when I was first assigned to his case.

When Seth was 7 he had been diagnosed with bone cancer. I met him when he was 8. I was just an intern learning to be a doctor at the time.

Seth had always given other doctors a hard time but never me. We always got along really well. Somewhere along the way Seth and I had fallen love with each other. Neither of us mention it to the other until it was too late to actually have a relationship or do anything about it.

A few months ago the cancer had gotten worse. There was nothing more we could do for Seth. He was going to die. For the next 3 months Seth lived in the hospital just waiting to die.

One of Seth's family members was always by his side but not tonight. His parents own a wrestling company called WWE and his sister has a husband and two kids of her own. So they were too busy to sit with Seth tonight. No one thought he'd die tonight.

His parents had asked if I'd sit with him tonight so he wouldn't be alone and of course I had said yes.

"Dean I want to know what's it's like to be kissed before I die." Seth said. "I'll kiss you Seth." I said. I leaned in and gently kissed him. Seth kissed back.

When we pull away Seth says, "I love you Dean. I always have and I always will. Take care of yourself and I'll be sure to watch over you each and everyday. Goodbye Dean." Seth's eyes closed and his heart monitor beeped to tell me he had pasted away. I turned off the monitor and cried. He was dead. He was really gone. "Goodbye Seth I love you too. I always have and I always will." I said and kissed him one last time.

10 years later

I'm married now and I have a son. I named him Seth after my favorite patient Seth. I know Seth watches down on my family everyday from heaven. I will never forget him.

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