Miz and Mizdow

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Author's note: this idea randomly popped into my head. Mizdow is still Miz's assistant in this one shot.

Mizdow's POV

I walk back into Miz's locker room after getting his water for him. I see him staring at himself in the mirror and looking at his beautiful face. I start to blush. I've had the biggest crush on Miz since I met him and I was so glad when he asked me to be his stunt double. I don't mind being his assistant now as long as I still get to be with him I'm happy. I walk over to him and lightly tap his shoulder. "What? Can't you see I'm busy?!" He snaps. "Sorry Sir. I just wanted to give you your water." "Oh thank you Damien." He said and I smiled. Miz is mean to me on camera but backstage he's usually pretty nice. "Damien do you want to grab some dinner with me tonight?" Miz asked. I started blushing like crazy. "I would love to." I said.

Miz's POV

I'm so happy I finally asked Damien out. I've had the biggest crush on him for so long. I feel myself start to blush but then I look at Damien to see him blushing to. I think he likes me back. I decide to try kissing him. So I do and he kisses me back. I feel my life is finally perfect and complete with Damien.

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