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Author's note: I got this idea when I heard the crowd saying it last night on raw. I hate when they say that to him because it's mean and cruel and wrong. People need to be careful with words and remember how wrong it is to hurt people and bully them even if you don't like them. It doesn't matter if they are a wrestler or a kid at school you hate, they are still human and don't deserve to be treated that way. I've said means things before that I wish I could take back but everyday I try to be a better person than I was before and learn from my mistakes.

Dean's POV

I'm walking backstage to my locker room to see my husband Seth Rollins. I'm seriously so happy he's back. As I get closer to the locker room I hear him crying. Oh no. I think I know why he's crying. The crowd. When Seth gets called Justin Bieber it tears him apart inside. He tries so hard and he worked so hard to come back from injury and this is how he's treated?! He got really depressed last year when they first started to say it. He started cutting really bad and tried to kill himself 3 times.

I run into the locker room. Seth's arms are covered in blood. "Oh my god Seth baby!" I cry and run to him. "Baby listen you have to stop this. You know your better than what they say about you. It's not true. Your 10 million times better." I said trying to calm him. Seth is slowly calming down. I run and get a towel and warm water and wash and clean his cuts out.

After that I wrap Seth's cuts gently in bandages. "Dean I'm sleepy." Seth said. "Ok baby lets get you back to the hotel and sleep." I said and gently picked him up. As I carry Seth out to our car he falls asleep in my arms.

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