Finn Balor and Becky Lynch

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Author's note: this was requested by @beckyandpaige.

Becky's POV

I'm back stage at nxt and I see nxt champion Finn Balor waking around. I blush because I have a very big crush on him. We're both from Ireland and I really think we should be together. I smile at him. He walks over to me. "Hi Becky how's your day going?" He asked. "Hey Finn my day is pretty good." I said. "That's cool. Do you have any plans for dinner?" He asked. "No." I said blushing. He blushed too. "Want to go out with me tonight? I know this great place that has Irish food." Finn said. "I would love to!" I said. "That's great!" Finn said and suddenly kisses me. I kissed back surprised but happy. "I'm sorry about that I just really like you." Finn said. "I like you too." I said blushing. "Want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes!" I said and this time I kissed him. I'm very happy we are finally going out.

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