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Author's note: this was requested by sethrollinsgirl26 .

Seth's POV

I'm hanging out with my best friend Dean at my house when suddenly I get a phone call. I answer the phone and the person tells me my twin brother Tyler was killed last night in the war. My heart breaks. I love Tyler so much. We were always so close. I hang up the phone and start crying. "Seth what's wrong?" Dean asked. "M-my brother Tyler was killed in the war last night." I cry. "Seth I'm so sorry." Dean said and hugged me tightly as I cried into his chest.

A few days later it was Tyler's funeral and Dean went with me. I cried a lot but Dean didn't mind. He stayed with me the whole time and comforted me each time I cried.

After the funeral Dean took me home. "I don't want you to be alone tonight Seth so I'll stay with you." Dean said. "Thank you Dean." I said.

So that night Dean and I cuddled up in my bed watching funny movies so I wouldn't be sad. "I love you Dean." I whispered. "I love you too Seth." Dean said and gently kissed my head as I slowly fell asleep.

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