Ambrollins part 2

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Author's note: this was requested by redrubydiamondgirl and I thought it would be appropriate to write this after what happened to poor Dean last night on raw so enjoy.

Dean's POV

I told Seth I would leave the whole Brock situation alone but I'm not great at listening and I just really want him to pay for hurting Seth that way before. I end up going to fast lane and beating on Brock there. I felt good about it too. Roman ends up winning the match but that's good for him. He deserves it.

That night Seth calls and tells me he's so proud of me even though I didn't win. He said he's always proud of me and he loves me very much. I feel happy hearing him say that. I tell him I'm always proud of him too and that I love him too.

The next day I go to work. I drive in with Roman and I get out. I think of how I'm gonna see Seth in a few days. As I'm walking into work I get attacked by Brock Lesner. Brock beats me up real bad. The next thing I know I'm going to the hospital. I get put on a stretcher and I get a brace for around my neck. I start crying in the ambulance. "Someone please call my husband Seth. Tell him what happened." I cry.

Seth's POV

I wake up from my nap to the sound of my phone ringing. I get a call saying my husband is in the hospital. He got a attacked at work by Brock. Tears form in my eyes and I quickly ask my sister for a ride to the hospital. I don't even change. I go in my pajamas. She drives me to the hospital to see Dean.

I get to the hospital and go to Dean's room to see my poor baby so hurt. It breaks my heart. He's got a big brace around his neck and he's ribs are bandaged. "Dean baby." I cried. "Seth you came. I need to get back to the arena. I need to challenge Brock to a match." Dean said. I look at him mad and upset. "Dean you just got badly beat up you need rest." I said. "No Seth I have to do this." Dean said. "Fine whatever." I said mad. I get my sister to drive Dean to the arena. She drives me to the hotel Dean is staying at and leaves. I watch Dean on tv.

Dean's POV

I get back to the arena to do my promo on Brock. I drag myself to the ring and lay at Brock's feet not able to stand. Brock steps on my head. "Brock you can kiss my ass. I told you I'm indestructible. I want a street fight with you at Wrestlemania." I said. Brock gives me an f5 and the excepts my Challenge.

I go back to the hotel later to see my beautiful baby Sethie all curled up in a little ball. "Hey cutie I'm back." I said. Seth sighs and turns away from me. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked. "I told you to leave the Brock situation alone but you went and messed with him and started all this drama." Seth said. "Why are you mad? I'm doing this of you you know." I said. "For me?" Seth asked. "Yes for you Sethie. He hurt you last year and I wasn't there to protect you." I said and started to cry. "Baby look at me." Seth said. I do and Seth smiles and gently kisses me. "I know you want to protect me and get back at Brock for hurting me before. But I really don't want you to do that because that means you getting hurt and your already very hurt now." Seth said. I nodded understanding. "I'm so sorry Seth. I just wanted to make him feel pain and take his happiness. But if it's hurting you to see me hurt and in pain I'll stop I promise." I said. "I really love you." Seth said. "I really love you too." I said. I snuggle into Seth and we fall asleep.

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