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Author's note: so this is another Ambrollins one shot but it's really sad. Basically this idea popped into my head when Dean hit Seth with the stick on Raw. The plot is: Seth and Dean were together. Dean broke up with Seth but Seth was pregnant. He never told anyone about it. When Dean hit Seth with the stick it caused Seth to miscarriage.

Seth's POV

I hurry to my locker room and lock the door. I pull my pants down and see what I dreaded most. Blood. "No no please don't leave." I plead to the child in my stomach. Maybe if I get to hospital I can stop this. As I get up I feel dizzy and faint. I fall to the ground.

Dean's POV

I'm walk by Seth's locker room when I see Jamie and Joey banging desperately on the door. "Seth please open the door!" Jamie pleaded. That's odd. "Stand back. I'll help." I say. They move away from the door and I brake it down. I see Seth laying on the floor in a pool of blood. "Call 911!" I yell to Jamie and Joey. Seth is barely breathing as I hold him.

I go with him to the hospital. Once we are there the doctor says that Seth had a miscarriage. He was pregnant?

Seth's POV

I wake up at a hospital and a doctor tells me I had a miscarriage. No! No! This can't be happening to me! I see Dean just standing there. This is all his fault.

Dean's POV

I few days later I go to visit Seth at his hotel room to see how he's doing. He doesn't open the door so I brake in. I see him laying on the bathroom floor blood coming out of his wrists. "Seth!" "What do want?" "What are you doing?!" "I just want to die." He says. "Is this because of the baby?" I asked. Seth nods. "She was all I had left. All my family is dead now. And you left me too when you broke my heart. Now my baby is gone because of you!" "Seth I'm so sorry. Was the baby mine?" Seth nods. "Seth I still love you. I'll never leave you again. We can have another baby. Please give me another chance." I bag. "Ok. Let's start over." Seth said. I hug him happily. "I love you Seth. I'll never leave again I promise."

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