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Rated M for mature

Author's note: so I saw this thing on Instagrama a few days ago and it said that Dean Ambrose used to be a drug addict and an alcoholic before he joined wwe and met Renee. Idk if this is true or not but I started thinking what if it was Seth and not Renee that got Dean to change.

Plot: Dean used to be a drug addict and an alcoholic but then he met Seth and that made him want to change. But he couldn't do it on his own so Seth helped him detox and then helped him stay clean. Seth became his boyfriend and a few years later they got married. But Dean slipped up and started using again. Seth has kicked Dean out of the house and unless Dean gets clean then they are getting a divorce.

Seth's POV

I just finished putting my 4 year old son Xavier and my two year old daughter Amelia to bed. I go downstairs to relax when I get a knock on the door. I open the door to see Dean standing there. "Dean I told you not to come back unless your clean." I said. "I know Seth but need help. Please help me get clean again." Dean said. I sighed. "Fine but don't wake the kids." I said and let him in. "Thank you Seth I won't let you down this time I promise." Dean said and came in.

Dean went right to the bathroom and started throwing up. I stayed with him and rubbed his back. When he was done he was too weak to get up or do anything. So I gave him a bath. Then I put clean pajamas on him and helped him upstairs to our bedroom. Dean and I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up to Dean shivering. I checked to see he was sweating and had a fever. I got up and got a wash cloth for Dean's head. Then I got him a glass of water. I put the cloth on his head and woke him up to drink the water.

In the morning Dean was better but tired and his head hurt. "Thank you for helping me Seth. I promise I'll never do this again. I love you and our kids too much." Dean said. "Good." I said and kissed him on the head. "Rest now." I said left the room. I'm glad Dean is better now and I hope he never does this again.

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