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Author's note: this was requested by sethrollinsgirl26 .

Seth's POV

It's my first official day being back after injury. Last night I came back at extreme rules and pedigreed Roman and tonight is Monday Night Raw and I'm back.

I go into the Authority's office to tell everyone I'm back. "Hey I'm back." I call out. "Oh hey Seth." Stephanie said. I go to hug her but she pushes me away. "Seth things have changed around here. Your father isn't here anymore and me and Shane run this place now. Plus we put Sheamus in your old spot." Stephanie said. "W-what?" I asked hurt. "Be out in the ring in 20 minutes for a promo." She said. I nod and leave her office sadly.

I try to hold back my tears as I get ready to go out. I go out to the ring and wait for them to come out. I hear the Authority music but I don't see them. I look around the ring. Then the lights go out and come back on a minute later. I'm surrounded by Stephanie, Shane, Kane, and Sheamus. "Sorry Seth but your not one of us anymore." Stephanie said. Shane, Sheamus, and Kane attack me. I try to fight back but I'm helpless. I give in and let them attack me hoping it will stop soon.

I'm starting to see black when suddenly I hear familiar music and Shane, Sheamus, and Kane stop attacking me. I see Roman Reigns get in the ring and spear them all. But why would Roman save me? Roman helps me up. "You ok Seth?" Roman asked. I nod weakly and he helps me backstage.

"Why did you save me?" I asked. "Cause I like you Seth." Roman said. "Really?" I asked and my eyes light up. "Of course. Now let's go get changed and get something to eat." Roman said. I smile and follow him.

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