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Author's note: this was requested by sethrollinsgirl26 .

Seth's POV

I've been feeling sick for the past month now and I've been throwing up every single day. I know I must be pregnant. I bought a pregnancy test at the store. I go into the bathroom and take the test. I finish and wait for the results.

After a few minutes I look at the test. "Well I guess I'm pregnant." I say sighing. The thing is is that I don't know if my husband Dean will be happy about this or not. I even don't know if he wants kids or likes them.

I sit on the couch in the living room and wait for Dean to come home from the gym.

Soon Dean comes home. "Dean baby I have something to tell you." I said nervously. "What is it baby?" Dean asked. "I'm pregnant." I said. "Really? Wow! That's so great! That's amazing news! We're going to be parents!" Dean cheers and picks me up and hugs me tightly and spins me around. Then he kisses me. "I love you so much. This is so great! I can't wait to tell Roman, Chris, Kevin, Aj, James, and the whole rest of the world!" Dean says so excited. I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before. I giggle.

The next day I go to work with Dean so I can ask for time off due to my pregnancy. I watch Dean go running up to everyone we see ever if we don't know them just to tell them I'm pregnant and we're having a baby. It's cute and it makes me laugh. I know Dean will be a wonderful father to our baby.

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