Part 19

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Ash's POV

Everyone was all huddled around me. In all honesty I wasn't really feeling social and just wanted to sleep. I was very tired and very sore still, my face still felt fairly bruised and I could feel some dried blood still stuck to my face. I was uncomfortable and just not feeling good. I was glad that Macie was going to be staying with me tonight, she was really the only one that I wanted to see only because I knew she wouldn't be smothering me. I looked around the room and started to yawn, hoping everyone would get the hint. 

"Hey, we should probably get going. It's late and I'm sure he wants to rest up." Jake said, I was mentally thanking him.

"Yeah you're right." Everyone said at once. 

"Let us know when she gets back, okay?" Andy asked. 

"Of course." I said very raspy, "Thanks for coming to see me guys." I said smiling. 

They all waved and said their byes as they walked out of the room. CC stayed back for a little bit, which I was kind of okay with. I didn't really want to be left completely alone yet. I looked at the tv, then my hands. My knuckles were all bloodied and bruised still. I started running my fingers over the bruises and winced at the pain.

"You okay, man?" CC asked.

"Yeah, my knuckles just hurt a lot." I said looking at him with pained eyes.

"Do you want me to get some ice for you?" He asked concerned.

"No it's okay, CC, thanks though." I said. 

It was silent for a few minutes. The only noise that was heard was the quiet volume of the tv playing. Then CC looked over at me and sighed. I looked at him and gave him a questioning look. 

"You know, Ash. That girl has it bad for you. She's been up here with you everyday. She wouldn't let the nurses do anything to you before she knew what they were doing, and she made sure they let her watch what they were doing to. She really was looking out for you." He said, this made me smile.

"Thanks for telling me that CC. I think I made a good choice by staying with her. She's everything I want and more." I said admittedly.

Just then I heard a quiet knock on the door and looked over to see Macie walking in the door. I smiled and scooted over in my bed so there was room for her to come cuddle with me. She set her stuff down and quickly hopped into the bed with me. I looked over at CC who was smiling sheepishly at me. I winked at him and started laughing. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna get going now guys. Ash, I'm glad you're okay and finally awake, I was really worried about you. Macie, keep an eye on him and make sure they don't do anything without your permission." He said giving us both a hug and walking out. 

I looked over at Macie who was gazing into my eyes. I smiled and leaned in a little so I was closer to her. I looked in her eyes and got all of these feelings in my body. I couldn't look away, I was paralyzed. No matter how hard I tried to look away I just couldn't bring myself to do it. 

"You know what I've missed?" I asked her and leaned in a little more.

"What's that?" She asked. 

Before I knew what I was doing I leaned in and kissed her. Something I've desperately wanted to do for the past few days. She immediately kissed back, which made me melt into her. I missed this, I missed the feeling of having her in my arms. The only time we pulled away was when we had to take a breath. God I wished we weren't in a hospital at the moment. 

I could feel myself getting hard just at the thought of us. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips, and that's when Macie knew that I was hard. She looked at me and winked, biting her bottom lip which made me get harder. 

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