Part 17

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After Noah hit me in the face all I saw was red. I looked around and everything was in shades of red, and before I knew it I had started swinging back. I heard Macie scream but I didn't even think to stop, I just kept going. Noah was hitting me right in the nose and I could feel it slowly breaking. I kept getting angrier and angrier with each hit. Before I knew it I was getting dragged off of him and then I finally heard the other things around me when I heard sirens, and I saw who was standing in my kitchen.

CC, Andy, Jake, Jinxx, Macie, and a bloody Noah who was held back by Andy. I touched my face and my hand was completely covered in blood. CC and Jinxx were holding me back as the tears started flowing down my face. The immense amount of pain from my nose was finally kicking in, and everything was coming back to the correct color. I looked over at Macie who was walking towards me with a cloth. She too was crying and looked a little bloodied.

"Macie why are you bloody?" I asked her, my voice shaking.

"Before you went to the floor with my dad, my dad hit me in the nose pretty good. I'm fine, but we need to get you to the hospital." She said dabbing at my face with the cloth.

With each touch to my face I flinched and started crying harder. Before I knew it my face was tear and blood stained and I was in the backseat of Jinxx's car. I really didn't want to go, but to appease Macie I did it anyway. She sat in the backseat with me and was wiping off any new blood that happened to start prickling out of my skin.

"Why?" Jinxx spoke up, it startled me and caused pain to my face from jumping.

"What do you mean why?" I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Why did you beat the shit out of some man?" He said looking in the rear view window.

"Because he was going to hurt Macie if I didn't." I said again, holding my jaw.

After that it was silence until he decided to turn the radio on. Macie grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it looking up at me. I attempted a smile and ended up causing myself pain. Suddenly my head started spinning and everything went black. I could hear things only for a short amount of time, which consisted of Macie telling Jinxx to step on it, then it was nothingness.

*Macie's POV*

All of a sudden Ash started getting a puzzled look, and eventually didn't look the same. Before I knew it he started violently shaking. I don't say anything other than "Step on it, now." to Jinxx very sternly. I unbuckled his seatbelt and laid him as flat as I could on the seat, holding his face to keep him from biting his tongue. Ash was having a severe seizure. The only reason I knew what to do was because Cory has epilepsy so she had seizures two to three times a month.

As soon as we got to the hospital the seizing stopped. I knew I couldn't physically carry him so I stood to the side like an idiot while Jinxx grabbed him.

"Macie can you grab a wheelchair or something so I don't have to carry him all the way in there?" Jinxx asked.

I sprinted into the lobby and found the closest wheelchair. I also went up to he desk and made sure doctors would be ready for when we got in here with Ash. I was so nervous and shaky that my words weren't coming out right, but somehow the receptionist knew what I was trying to say. As I sprinted back out to the car I saw everyone from the band standing next to Jinxx. They were all prodding around at Ash's face which was pissing me off.

"Can you just give the man some privacy for one minute?! Holy hell!!" I screamed, being taken aback by my action.

Everyone jumped and backed away, their hands up in surrender. I huffed and quickly gestured for Jinxx to set him in the wheelchair so we could bring him inside. I ran inside and shouted his name to the receptionist and they immediately brought a doctor to wheel him back. The doctor said only one visitor could go back with him at the moment and I stepped back. Yes he was my boyfriend but these guys are his brothers. We all quickly decided on CC to go back and sit with him.

We all sat, very patiently, waiting for some news from CC or the doctor. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep. I was mentally exhausted from worrying so much. I gave Jinxx my number so he could call or text when they heard anything. Since I was at the hospital I took advantage of the time to see my mother. This was definitely not a good day.

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to finally update. But at the moment I'm not finding much inspiration and I'm having a hard time trying to think of ways to write creatively. I have a lot of stuff going on at school that I'm having difficulties to sit down and actually try to think about this story.

I guess until further notice, this will be put on pause. I'm having ideas for another book but I'm trying to get more ideas in this one. Unfortunately I'm not finding BVB as appealing anymore, and this story isn't exactly going how I had planned. So if I were to continue this the name of the story would change and the plot line would be changing. The idea was good when I first started writing it but I think I'm too partial to Ash being in the band that I don't want to sort of separate him from it.

So again, until further notice, this book will be put on hold and I will make decisions on whether I'm going to keep the story or just completely pitch it and start fresh with a new book and a different band. For those that have been reading this book, I want to thank you so very much and be on the look out for the next update that decides the fate of the book.
Rock on, lovelies!!!
Taylor, out 🤘🏻✌🏼

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