Part 16

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I awoke the next morning and Macie was still asleep. I smiled and slowly got out of bed so I wouldn't disturb her, and creeped down the stairs. As soon as the dogs saw me they started barking like crazy.

"Shh boys, I'm getting ready to feed you now!" I whisper yelled.

I quickly got their food set down for them and I started cooking something for me. It ended up just being some eggs and toast with a glass of orange juice. When I finished eating I rinsed my plate and put it in the dishwasher, then went to the living room and turned the tv on.

A couple episodes of Family Guy played through before Macie finally came down the stairs. I looked at her and smiled but she just kind of glared and sat next to me.

"You okay?" I asked wrapping my arm around her.

"Just didn't sleep very well last night." She said cuddling into my chest.

"I'm sorry hun, you hungry?"

She nodded and sighed. I got up to go to the kitchen and she came with me.

"What do you want?" I asked opening the fridge.

"I don't care just cook me something." She grumbled and laid her forehead on the breakfast counter.

"You're near impossible babe." I chuckled and pulled the eggs and bacon out.

She moaned again then yelled "Oww!!" Followed with laughter.

"What'd you do?" I said laughing with her.

"I went to lift my head up and my muscles just sort of gave out so my head went back on the counter." She laughed holding her forehead.

We laughed for a few more minutes until her food was done cooking. When I handed her her food I kissed her forehead and went back to the living room to continue Family Guy.

When Macie was done eating she joined me in the living room, laying on me. I realized I hadn't checked my phone yet and also realized I had left it down here all night so it probably didn't have any battery left. To my surprise it did. I clicked the home button to see who all had texted me and which social media alerts I had when I saw a picture of me carrying Macie through the hospital from the night before. I groaned and kept scrolling and saw some texts from the guys and from other friends in other bands.

Andy- Hey Ash, haven't talked in a while, what's going on? I saw you were at the hospital with your girlfriend? Call me or text me when you get this.

CC- Dude, you didn't tell me you were at the hospital I would have immediately went to see you. Hope everything is okay.

Jake- Hey man, let me know how things are going. See ya soon.

Jinxx- Is everything okay?

I was overwhelmed with texts that I just put everybody in a group chat and told them what all happened. They all texted back with what seemed to be relieved expressions and apologized for the misunderstanding. Now I had to respond to Ronnie, and a bunch of others. They too had the same reactions as the guys and apologized for the same reason.

Now that everyone knew what was going on it was time to post it on all of my social medias to let the fans know that I'm okay. I knew today was going to be a long day and decided that I should probably invite the rest of BVB over because I hadn't seen them in some time.

Ash (in group chat)- Hey everyone wanna meet at my place at some point today? Give a time and I should be available.

I waited a little bit until I got a text from an unknown number. I scratched my head and wondered where this person got my number from.

Unknown Number- Hey Ash, do you mind if I stop by and grab Macie? We'll be at the hospital visiting her mom.

Me- Uhm, I just want to clarify who this is before I just go ahead and say yes...

I set my phone down and looked over at Macie who was intently watching the show. I chuckled to myself and looked over at the tv and started watching, still being alert to my phone. I looked over at Macie again who was looking at my phone. I looked down at it and saw whoever it was had texted back.

"Why is my dad texting you?" Macie asked concerned.

"Oh that's your dad? He wants to pick you up and take you to the hospital to see your mom, just you and him." I said looking at her.

She looked at me with confusion and then immediate dread remember what happened. She smirked then looked down, playing with her thumbs and the occasional scratch at the forearm. I acted like I didn't see it and just left it alone.

"Do you want me to tell him yes?" I asked her.

"Yeah I guess," she paused, "I just don't want to go alone, but yeah okay." She said hesitating on the answer.

"Babe, if you don't want to go, you don't have to. I'll tell him you need a day to think." I said

"Could you?" She asked leaning into my side.

"Of course baby." I said and texted him that she didn't feel like it today.

He responded with "Okay" and asked if he could come over for a little bit to see how Macie was. I asked her and she said it was fine and he was planning on being over in an hour. Barely enough time for me to shower, let alone Macie with how long her hair is and having to shave etc..

Just after 2 in the afternoon her dad knocked on the door and came in.

"Hi Mr...." I trailed off, forgetting his last name.

"Jackson." He said smiling and extending his hand.

I shook his hand and and smiled back. I looked over at the stairs and saw Macie slowly descending them and coming to the kitchen.

"Mace, your dad is here baby." I said and that sped her up a little more.

She came into the kitchen holding her other arm. I decided this was a conversation for later and wanted to let her enjoy her dad's company. She walked over to her dad and gave him a hug, then walked over to me and tucked into my side.

"An update on your mom, Macie, she's doing somewhat better than last night but they aren't keeping high hopes on anything. They said to just keep our fingers crossed and to keep praying and just see where God takes us." He said.

"Dad, enough with the gospel shit, I've told you to keep it to yourself. Please." Macie sternly said.

I myself was taken back a couple steps. I've never seen Macie get so defensive before. I pulled her into my side a little more and kissed the top of her head. Her dad seemed to get upset with that and started to puff his chest out. I pushed Macie behind me and began to do the same. I wasn't going to let this happen in my house.

"Noah, I think it's time you left my house now, or there will be issues." And with that he slammed his fist on my counter, and that's when the first punch was thrown.

Forgetting BVB (Ashley Purdy fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن