Part 5

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I awkwardly smiled and opened the front door and waited for Macie to come out. As she walked passed all I could smell was something super sweet. It definitely matched her personality. I closed the door and locked it slightly grunting because I couldn't get the key out of the keyhole. Macie just chuckled and patiently waited.

"So... Chick-Fil-A, huh?" She said.

"Uh yeah, quality food I guess. Unless you'd like something different..?" I suggested.

"No no, that's fine." She said with a sheepish smile.

I blushed and walked to my car, opening the passenger door for her and closing it when she got in. I walked to the driver's side and got in looking over at Macie and smiling. She smiled and blushed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. I looked at the time and saw we had just enough time to get there and eat. I grabbed my key and put it in the ignition turning the car on.

*Macie's POV*

He was so cute, I couldn't help it. When I was at work earlier I'm amazed he even talked to me, let alone gave me his phone number. I smiled at the thought and walked outside his house. I stood there and waited for him to lock the front door, hearing him grunt a little because the key wouldn't com out. I laughed a little bit. The quite was so awkward I decided to make conversation.

"So... Chick-Fil-A, huh? I said hoping to break the silence.

"Uh yeah, quality food I guess. Unless you'd like something different...?" He said.

"No no, that's fine." I said smiling.

He blushed a little bit and started making his way to his car. I followed shortly behind him. When we got to his car he opened the door for me and let me get in, then closed the door. I smiled to myself and watched as he made his way to the driver's side.

When he got in, I was still smiling like an idiot. Why am I smiling this much? We just met less than twelve hours ago... I can't be getting feelings already. He's Ashley fucking Purdy, like, Mr. Player. Ugh, why do things have to be so difficult?

He put he key in the ignition, turning the car on, and backed out of the driveway. Every once in a while I'd catch him glancing over at me which made me blush and him quickly look away. Awkward silence the whole car ride but it wasn't too awkward...

*Ashley's POV*
Finally... The car ride to Chick-Fil-A was over. We went inside and looked at the menu.

"Do you know what you'd like?" I asked.

She just looked and smiled. At me and proceeded to tell the cashier what she wanted.

"Okay, and will that be all?" The woman asked.


"No, I would like some chicken fingers and some fries with ketchup for the sauce." I said flashing a smile to Macie.

"Okay, that'll be $15.63" the woman said.

Macie was pulling her wallet out to pay but I grabbed my card before she could. She gave me a puzzled look but I brushed it off, swiping my card and winking at Macie.

"Thanks.." Macie said, barely above a whisper.

"For what?" I asked

"For paying for my food." She said with nervousness in her voice.

"Don't worry about it, Mace, think of this as our first date." I said smiling.

"First date?"

"Yes, there could be many more to come from this but there also could be something more for the future." I said feeling like a motivational speaker.

"Oh okay."

We got our food and ate it in silence with just enough time to drive to the mansion and help the guys set up the party. I looked over at her as we go pulled into he driveway and she smile at me.

I got out of the car and ran over to the passenger side and opened her door for her and closed it when she got out. I walked next to her and reached for her hand. She looked up at me and reluctantly took it. I smiled when she did because I could feel the sparks fly the instant she touched my hand. When we got to the front door I twisted the door handle and opened the door slowly. As soon as the door was fully open and I walked through, there stood the four guys, arms crossed and smiling like idiots.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is it. The fifth chapter. At this point I feel there is enough for you guys to read while I'm working on longer, more in depth chapters. So yeah, just be patient..

Also, how did you like Macie's POV?? Should I do more of that or just keep it to Ashley's? Let me know in the comments and I'll figure things out!

Rock on lovelies!!!

Taylor, out 🤘🏼✌🏼️

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