Part 15

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I started the truck and sat there for a few minutes just looking out he windshield. I began to get flashbacks from when I heard the news my parents died. I sniffled a little and looked over at Macie who had her head in her hands. I pulled the middle console up so there was a middle seat between us. She looked over at it and laid down, her head in my lap. I barely knew her mom, but if she raised such an amazing daughter than I have nothing but good things to say about her.

"Ash?" Macie said.

"What's up hun?"

"What if she doesn't make it?"

I sat in thought for a few minutes, I didn't quite know how to answer that.

"Mace, if she doesn't make it, you know you have all of my support. And I know you have your dad's support as well. I'm sure all of the guys would definitely support you as well. But listen, let's only think about good thoughts until we see how your mom is in the hospital. Your dad will be there so I'll give you guys some space if you'd like." I said massaging her head.

She sighed and started crying again. This was when I broke too. I just let all of the tears escape my eyes, at this point it isn't worth trying to hold them back.

After what seemed like forever we finally got to the hospital. Macie had fallen asleep so instead of waking her up I just grabbed her from the seat and carried her in. I walked into the lobby area and set Macie down in a seat. She jerked awake and looked at me with extreme distress. I got on my knees in front of her and opened my arms. She immediately collapsed into me and started crying on my chest again.

I grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and pulled up her dad's contact and hit call. This is definitely going to be an interesting conversation.

"Oh Macie!" Her dad practically wailed into the phone.

"No sir, it's Ash, Macie's boyfriend. I'm calling to find out which room you're in so I can get Macie there." I said.

The line went silent and then I heard a sigh.

"We're in room 2207. Thank you Ashley for bringing my daughter."

"Anything for her sir, okay, I'll see you soon." I said and hung up the phone.

I didn't know whether this was good or bad. I'm assuming this is one step in the right direction to building a relationship with her father. I looked at Macie who was still crying into my chest. I picked her up again and this time she wrapped her legs around my waist. She had her head laying on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped tightly around my neck. I kissed her cheek every once in a while which made her kiss my neck in return.

We got to room 2207 and looked inside. Cory was there, and what I'm assuming to be aunts and uncles and grandparents, were there. I kissed Macie's cheek and let her down. She still clung onto me but eventually let go when she saw everyone in the room. I smiled and waved to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Macie's boyfriend Ashley Purdy." Her dad said.

Everyone waved and mumbled their hi's. I again smiled at everyone and walked over to Macie.

"Hey I think I'm going to leave you alone with your family for a little bit. I'll be in the lobby just text me whenever you want me to come back." I whispered in her ear.

"No please stay." She whispered back.

"But your family needs you right now babe. Spend some time with them right now, I'll still be here just let me know when you want me to come back." I said kissing her cheek afterwards.

"Fine." She mumbled and kissed my jaw bone.

I turned around and walked out the door and turned towards the lobby. I really didn't want to impede on her family time, and I still wasn't sure if her dad liked me or not, let alone her whole family. I found a lobby chair that was comfy and ended up falling asleep.

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