Part 18

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Macie's POV

Three days. It's been three days since Ashley has been in the hospital. I was with him as much as time would allow, and it only seemed like five minutes a day. Sometimes I even had to leave early before I broke down sobbing. I hated that I had fallen for him so quickly, but at the same time, I'm glad I did. The BVB boys would show up as often as they could, but it wasn't very often. Because of this we all have grown a little closer with each other. I just recently met Andy's wife Juliet when they came to check on Ash. Juliet was so sweet and supportive, definitely different from what other people have said about her. 

I also met Jake and got to talk to him for a little bit. It turns out that him and I have a lot in common as far as growing up. We were both bullied very badly, but that didn't bring us down. Every once in  a while I'd see his wife, Inna, with him, but she too was busy with her own things. And CC, oh CC. I saw him up here the most actually. Him and Ash had a weird brotherly relationship, it was honestly adorable. I loved being around CC a lot, he always seemed to brighten the mood.

Jinxx came up every so often, but as I said, they've all been pretty busy. We all kept in touch and I would text them whenever I got any news from the doctors. We all sort of became a little family and I was really happy we all were able to get along. We all decided that we would go to dinner tonight so that we could have a small distraction from the situation at hand. I gave the doctors my number and the guys' too in case anything changed while we were at dinner. 

At the moment I was saying my bye's to Ash even though I knew he couldn't hear them. I gave his cheek a kiss and I made my way out of the door, turning around to take one last glance at him before turning the corner. I smiled a sad smile and made my way down the corridor. When I got to the parking lot I pulled my phone to text the guys to tell them I was leaving the hospital now to the restaurant. 

----------skipping car ride to restaurant------

"Hey guys." I said as I sat down at the table. 

"Hey how is everything?" CC and Andy asked simultaneously.

"Well, nothing is too different at the moment, but they said that things are definitely looking much better than the other day, so that's good news." I said playing with the hem of my shirt. 

"That's good. We were all planning on going up there with you after dinner if that's alright?" Jake said quietly. 

"Of course that's fine. I'm not going to keep him from you guys." I said chuckling and taking a sip of the water that was already there for me. 

They all chuckled and looked over their menus. I constantly kept checking my phone in case I missed something from the hospital. Unfortunately, there was nothing there each time. I hoped so much that we would get some news saying he's better or that he had woken up. The doctors said that if we had gotten him there just a few minutes later there would have been a possibility of us losing him. I couldn't stand the thought of the guys losing him. 

Everyone's food finally came and everyone also kept looking at their phones, I'm assuming for the same reason I was. Juliet Inna and I were in our own little conversation when we all saw CC shoot out of his seat and start walking towards the doors.

"Uhuh, thank you guys so much we'll be there in like ten minutes. Thank you!" We heard CC shout as he started sprinting towards the doors. 

Andy threw some money on the table and we all got up and sprinted to the doors and saw CC standing there patiently, even though we all knew he wanted to sprint to his car. He quickly filled us in on what he was told and we all ran to our cars and started heading in the same direction. The hospital. 

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