Part 1

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A/N:: This story will be written in the point of view of Ashley. Whenever there is a point of view change I will put it at the beginning of the chapter.

And who will remember this last goodbye! (oh whoa oh oh)
Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid to die!

"Goodnight everyone and thank you for coming out tonight! We will be doing a meet and greet at our merch tent in just a few short minutes so hurry on over and we hope to see you there!" Andy yells as Jake, Jinxx, and I are throwing guitar picks out in the crowd. CC's hitting some more beats on the drums as we all finish up what we're doing. As soon as we all run off stage we sprint to our merch tent to get ready to sign autographs, take pictures and the usual meet and greet stuff.

"sh! Ash! ASHLEY! ASHLEY FUCKING PURDY!!" Someone yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh, what?" I asked confused.

"What's going on in your little mind?" CC asked.

"Oh nothing, just super tired is all." I said. It was true, this concert was exhausting for some reason, and it was very odd.

Something tells me CC didn't quite believe me but I just shrugged it off and decided it wasn't worth trying to explain. I looked around at my surroundings to take it all in, and damn this place was beautiful. The sunset was fading just behind the tree line and it was quiet for being in the middle of the city. I couldn't help but smile and get weird stares from all of the guys.

While we were walking around town, we found ourselves in a bar getting plastered. I walked around until I found a really hot brunette in the corner sipping away at what looked like a fruity drink.

"Hey there beautiful." I managed to slur out.

"Uhm, hi?" She said, giving me probably one of the worst looks I've ever seen in my life."

"My name's Ashley, what's yours?"

"Victoria." She said quite bluntly.

"How would you like to come back to my place for a little bit and we can have some fun." I said with a wink at the end.

As soon as I said that she immediately got up and left me standing, well leaning up against the table. I decided that it was probably a sign that I just needed to go back to the bus, or at least find one of the guys.

I stumbled around a little bit until I ran into Jinxx. We walked back to the bus and decided to call it a night because we knew we would be waking up with pounding headaches in the morning anyway.

-------------- Next Morning ------------
"Uuuggghhh...." I groaned rubbing my head.

I sat up quickly, forgetting I was on the bus and smacked my head off the top of the bunk. My headache went from extreme to worse than extreme, if that's even possible. I slowly slid out of bed and into the living area of the bus and immediately went for the ibuprofen. I grabbed two of them from the bottle and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

A couple hours later everyone else was up with throbbing headaches and groaning like mad. I just chuckled to myself and went back to looking on my phone and texting my dog sitter to see how Tokyo and Killer were. Since it was the last day of tour and all we were doing was taking the day off just driving back to California I decided to just sleep all day long.

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