Part 10

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*Macie's POV*

I still felt the tingle on my cheek from Ash's kiss. I held my hand there and then suddenly felt angry. I stared at Cory and just stood there not keeping my eyes off of her. She just crossed her arms and pursed her lips together looking back at me.

"Why..?" I said, my voice breaking.

"Why what?" She asked with a sly smile.

"You know exactly what. Why can't you just get along with my friends? What did he ever do to you? What is your fucking problem!" I shouted.

"Because you can do so much better than him, he's only talking to you for a quick fuck and then he's going to drop you quicker than you dropped your panties. It's not what he did to me, it's what he's going to do to you." She said playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Are you kidding me right now? I cannot believe you. You really think I'm just going to let him manipulate me like that? I'm not a fucking whore like you, I don't care when my next fuck is going to be, unlike you. And to think, I even called you my best friend." I walked away at this point crying.

I went upstairs to the bathroom and sat on the floor crying. I heard soft footsteps come up the stairs and my mom's soothing voice.

"Hey sweetheart." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I just shoved my face in my knees kept crying.

"Oh honey, it's going to be okay." She said trying to comfort me.

"No Mom, no it's not. Cory has barely known Ashley and Dad's been more accepting of him then she has. I'm sorry I even thought of bringing him over here to help. I'm sorry." I sobbed into her arm.

"Well, I think it's time you and Cory had some space. You've been living together for six years now and haven't had a break from seeing each other everyday. She might be getting jealous that someone else may possibly have your attention instead of her." She said.

I nodded my head, because in all reality, she was right. I looked up to her and smiled wiping the tears from my eyes. I stood up and my mom pulled me into a hug. I walked downstairs and said bye to my parents and totally disregarded Cory. I walked out to my car and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I saw a text from Ash and smiled a little bit.

Ash Purdy- Sorry for leaving and not helping... Cory really upset me and I decided to just leave. I didn't want to start anything...

Me- It's okay, I totally get it.. if you're not busy do you wanna maybe hang out?

I started my car and pulled out of the driveway. I decided to stop at Starbucks to get some coffee before going back to my house. I checked my phone and saw a text back from Ash.

Ash Purdy- I'm hanging with guys at the mansion. If you want the address you can come over if you want?

Me- Sure I'm just leaving Starbucks now I'll see you when I get there then :)

And with that I walked to my car and waited for an address. I sipped on my coffee and jammed to some music when I finally got the text from Ash for the address. I put it in Google Maps and was on my way to the mansion.

-----------skipping car ride to mansion----------
I got the mansion and turned my car off. I texted Ash telling him I was here and got out of my car, locked the doors, and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

I hear several feet come rushing to the door yelling "I got it! I got it!" and then heavy breathing on the other side of the door. I laughed and watched the door open with five, out of breath men staring at me with smiles. I walked straight over to Ashley, who was panting pretty heavily, still laughing.

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