Part 9

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Her voice rang through my ears several times. Thoughts were swarming my head that I don't even understand. I knew I was going to be meeting her dad because I was helping them move, but I didn't think I would be this nervous. Macie and I aren't even dating, why am I acting like this? Why am I freaking out?

Macie's voice cut my thoughts and startled me a little.

"Dad, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is my dad, Noah." She said, smiling.

I smiled at her dad and put my hand out for him to shake. He gave me a snide look and disregarded my offer. I slowly pulled my hand back and shoved it in my jeans pocket.

"Hi sir, I'm Ashley Purdy." I said trying to break the ice.

"Macie, dear, please show this young man out." He said.

"But Dad, he's here to help me help you move." She said.

"Please show him out, Macie, we don't need his help." He said sternly.

"Can you please go find my mom and Cory and talk to them for a few minutes while I talk some sense into my dad." Macie whispered.

I just nodded my head and slowly turned away. As I was walking through the hallway I could hear her father slightly raising his voice and her raising hers. It made me almost turn around but I kept going until I ran right into someone.

"Hi there, you must be Ashley Purdy." A tall slender girl said.

"Uhm, yes?" I said as more of a question.

"I'm Cory, nice meeting you." She said with a smile.

"Nice, uh, meeting you too." I said stuttering on my words.

"So you're helping us gather stuff to move?" She asked.

"Well by the looks of things, probably not now." I said nervously chuckling and scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh well why's that?"

"Her dad isn't too......... fond of me I guess you could say, he really doesn't even want me in the house right now but Macie told me to come find you guys and talk to you while she was 'reasoning' with her dad." I said chewing my lip.

"Oh ok, we'll come with me and we can start putting stuff in the moving truck." She said smiling and grabbing my hand, dragging me behind her.

When Cory and I got to the boxes of stuff that needed to be put in the truck she started asking me a bunch of  questions.

"So... Macie's talked a lot about you." She said trying to make small talk.

"What do you mean?" I asked, very curious of what she's talked about.

"She said that you guys started talking about of something from Instagram.." Cory said kind of doubtingly.

"Well yes, but the next day I went to the store that she supposedly works in and she recognized me. We had a small conversation there and then she asked for my number." I said.

"And she said you took her to a party that night." Cory said almost offended.

"Well I can assure you we didn't stay for more than an hour." I said getting a little defensive.

"Why didn't you stay longer?" She asked.

"Because one of my friends was being stupid... Now why do you care so much about what Macie and I did?" I said almost too harshly.

"Sorry for looking out for my friend. But it seems almost too unrealistic and I'm afraid you're going to break her heart because of the player you are."

"Excuse me?" I said feeling a little hurt.

"You heard me."

"You do NOT know my life. You have no idea what it's like to be touring. Yes I do like sex, yes I've had multiple girls, and yes I may be a 'player'. But until you know what it's like to be stuck on a bus for over half of the fucking year, I suggest you keep snide comments to yourself. I don't understand why you think you have the right to be disrespectful to someone you have barely known for ten minutes, and think that I won't stand up for myself." I said standing up to walk away.

Just as I went to walk away I ran into Macie and her mother.

"Someone's busted." Cory sang.

"What is going on?" Macie's mother asked.

"Nothing, but I was just leaving. Bye Macie," I said kissing her cheek, "you have my number so text or call me, okay?" I said pulling her in for a hug.

"Why are you leaving?" She asked, sadness dripping from her voice.

"Because some people can't seem to be respectful to someone they just met." I said turning to glare at Cory.

Cory just put her hand up in defense and just started chuckling.

"Why can't you just learn to get along with my other friends Cory?!" Macie asked, almost shouting.

"Macie, babe, I'm gonna go now. Just text me okay?" I said.

She nodded, her face hot with anger.

I found my way to the front door and walked to my car. I wiped my face with my hands and that's when I realized my face was wet with tears. I just laid my head on the steering wheel for a couple minutes wiping the tears before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

A/N: Sorry this chapter's a little shorter than the passed few, and sorry it's taken almost two weeks to update, I've just been really busy with my school' homecoming week and then I had a lot of shit going on during the weekends. I do promise to start updating more often and I'm thinking the next chapter I put up is going to be just Macie's, or Cory's point of view.... Let me know if you think that'd be a good idea or not.
Anyways, Rock on lovelies!!!
Taylor, out 🤘🏻✌🏼️

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