Part 8

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The next morning I woke up with Macie still wrapped in my arms. I smiled and just laid there for a few minutes. I slowly got out of bed to try and not wake her up because she looked peaceful. Success. I went to my room to grab my phone and look for a pair of gym shorts. I threw my shorts on and went downstairs to feed the pups and make some breakfast. I decided on pancakes and bacon and started cooking.

*Macie's POV*

I woke up totally forgetting where I was. I looked around and didn't recognize anything. I was really confused but went with it anyway. I mean, I wasn't tied to the bed and still had all of my clothes on, so I was obviously okay. I started smelling bacon being cooked and realized how hungry I actually was. I looked for my phone but had no luck, so I decided to just go downstairs anyway.

I walked around a little bit and heard someone singing "Die For You" by Black Veil Brides and started to smile. That song had a lot of meaning for me, and then angel that was singing just made my heart grow happier. I found my way to the kitchen where I found Ashley Purdy singing and cooking pancakes and bacon.

"You have a beautiful voice." I said shyly.

"Oh what? Uh thanks." He said jumping a little.

"Of course." I said smiling.

I walked behind him and quickly grabbed a piece of bacon.

"Really?" Ash said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes." I said giggling.

He just chuckled and flipped the pancake that was in the pan. It smelled delicious and my mouth was watering because of it.

"I think I'm a little hungry." I said as my belly growled.

"You think? I'm amazed that didn't shake all of LA." He said laughing.

We just stood there laughing while he finished cooking the pancakes and serving them. I smiled to myself and immediately cut into the fluffy pancake sitting right in front of me.

"Thank you, Ash." I said with a mouthful of pancake and bacon.

"For what, hun?" He said taking a bite of bacon.

"For watching out for me last night and not letting me leave, for cooking me breakfast." I said.

"That's not a problem. I don't mind it." He said with a wink and taking a sip of orange juice.

After we ate I insisted on cleaning up the kitchen. After that was finished I went to the living room still looking for my phone.

"Lose something?" Ash asked.

"Sorta... do you know where my phone is?" I asked.

"Yeah it's on the coffee table." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said grabbing it and sitting down on the couch.

Just as I sat down I got a call from my roommate Cory.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey...." she said.

"What is it?" I said kind of annoyed.

"Did you forget we had things to do today? Like I don't know, maybe, go to your parents' house for lunch and help them pack?" She said/asked.

"Uhhhhhhhh nooooo I didn't forget!" I said in a high pitch voice to make it obvious that I had forgotten.

"Okay well it's already passed 1:30 in the afternoon, you better get your ass over to your parents' house ASAP." She said very frustrated.

"Yes mom." I said rolling my eyes.

At that we hung up and I just sighed and started getting up.

"Everything okay?" Ash asked.

"Kinda sorta but I gotta get going so I can shower and change and get to my parents house to help them move." I said very flustered and making sure I had everything.

"You can shower here and borrow some of my clothes. If you'd like I can help you with your parents so they can move." He said genuinely.

I tossed the idea back and forth in my mind and decided to agree. He showed me upstairs to the bathroom to the shower and said he'd have a shirt and sweats on the guest bed for when I got out. He was really a sweet guy, and definitely misunderstood by many.

* Ash's POV*

I went to my room and grabbed an old Kiss shirt and joggers to let her borrow. After I set those out I decided that I should shower too because I probably smell pretty bad. I went to the master bathroom and started the water and undressed so I could shower.

When I was out of the shower I got dressed into my ripped skinniest and a BVB shirt. I blow dried my hair and straightened it so it wasn't a curly mess, then went to go put my boots on. By the time I was done getting dressed and getting my boots on Macie was ready to go. We each took our own car so that I could go home when I was done helping her and she could go home as well.

We pulled up outside her parents' house and she ran to my window.

"Hey... so umm my parents aren't too fond of tattoos and shit so you can either come up there with me or wait until I bring them out here to introduce them to you." She said biting her lip.

"I'll just go up there with you to get it done and over with now." I said chuckling.

"Okay.." she said nervously.

I got out of my car and locked it since I didn't know the area. We walked up to her front door and she knocked on it. A short woman with bleach blonde hair answered the door and embraced Macie in a hug. I awkwardly stood off to the side just smiling and keeping my eyes on Macie.

"Who is this...... young lady?" What I assumed to be her mother asked.

"Man, and I'm Ashley Purdy, bassist for a band called Black Vei-"

"Black Veil Brides." Her mom cut me off.

"Yes ma'am." I said smiling.

"Well it's nice to meet you Mr. Purdy." She said.

"You can call me Ashley, miss." I said extending my hand to shake.

She shook my hand and allowed me and Macie inside. The house was beautiful. Very spacious, and that may just be because the whole place was nothing but boxes and stray furniture that hadn't been moved to the moving truck. I followed Macie because I didn't know what else to do. Just then I heard a girls squeaky voice and a mans deep voice.

"Hi dad!" Macie cheered.

Fuck. My. Life.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying this story so far.... I know that it's like the eighth chapter in and they aren't dating yet but I want to give it some time before they start dating. I also just recently updated my phone (iPhone 6s) and I feel like the emojis are really weird looking. So yeah, if you have any ideas you can comment them or email them to me ( and I'll look into them.

Rock on, lovelies!!!
Taylor, out 🤘🏻✌🏼️

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